Muscle Weakness

Hi everyone, I haven't much of a clue about exercise but I've been trying (my hubby would say very trying!).

I weigh 126kgs (277lbs) and have found that any exercise I do makes my muscles feel as though they are going to collapse - and I'm not talking about doing too much at once.

I start walking 30mins per day - not a lot (I thought) but by the end of a week, instead of my strength and stamina increasing slightly, I find that I can hardly climb stairs. My legs just collapse under me! I try to keep going but it doesn't get any better. It feels like my legs are not strong enough to carry my weight.

Anyone got any ideas what exercise might help? I really need to lose weight and I don't think dieting alone is the best way to do it. I work full-time and already get up early and then have housework and cooking, etc. to do when I get home so my 30min lunchbreak is the best time I have.

All suggestions welcome!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Are you walking every single day? Is this habit fairly new? "A lot" is a relative term. Thirty minutes isn't a lot to many people but if you are not used to it, it certainly can be a lot. A certain amount of fatigue is normal and to be expected but to me it sounds like you may need to work in one or more rest days. I would suggest starting with two rest days for now. After a certain amount of time and weight loss, you will find that going down to one day is fine.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what are your stats and whats your calorie goal?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you keep pushing your muscles beyond what they are used to, and aren't taking any rest days, they will get tired and sore. Most exercise programs (Couch to 5K, for example) recommend that you only do them every other day so you give your body time to rest and heal. Instead of walking every day, you might try walking every other day and then find some upper body exercises to do on the days between. That way you're alternating muscle groups and giving each group a day of rest between sessions.

  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    First, are you eating enough? A lot of people get started and seem to think that 1200 is enough calories. For most of the population, it's not. Your diary isn't open so I don't know. Second, when you are walking for 30 minutes and your legs collapse by the end of the week is it because you are doing it everyday? How much movement were you doing prior to beginning exercise for shopping, walking around at work, etc? Maybe you are overdoing it to start out.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Agreed on calorie intake.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'll third (or fourth) the calorie intake part too. Not sure how much you are eating but it's really common for people to get a bit too gung ho at first and try to cut calories way low while increasing activity a lot. I'd never want to discourage anybody from starting up healthy habits but I tend to think that easing into things is more likely to encourage long term success. It's really easy to get discouraged, frustrated, and overwhelmed if you are exhausted and famished.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Respectfully, that's a lot of walking to jump into for someone at that weight.
    I live in NYC and we walk tons daily. Walking noobs come to visit from out of town and they get crushed every time.

    Walking during your lunch time is a great idea, don't stop. But ease into it. Focus on consistency, because you're altering years and years of habits and they don't die easily.

    ^Jemhh said good stuff.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I'll just get the obvious out of the way: Before starting a fitness and diet program, did you go to the doctor and get yourself checked out and cleared?
  • libbylulily
    libbylulily Posts: 11 Member
    I normally get rest days at weekends as my hubby refuses to walk with me. Other than that I try to walk Monday to Friday every day.
    Diet wise, I've tried to research and look at requirements and not eat too little. I try to get plenty of protein as I know that's important to feed muscles.
    I have diabetes so try to limit carbs to help control that.
    Calorie intake is about 1500-1800 a day. I reckon TDEE to be about 2300 so that gives me 500-800 below.
    I'm not interested in losing weight quickly if I'm then going to put it back on. I need to get fitter so that I move more. I think that exercising is better than restricting diet. However, choosing the right things to eat is important.
    Until my mid-twenties I was skinny as a rake. I nearly didn't get into the Armed Forces as I was too light!
    Forgot to mention I'm also 54 years old - I feel old - I want to be 54 years young!
    Thanks for your help. I think the idea of taking rest days is probably where I've come unstuck. I'll start walking on Mon, Wed & Fri. That will give me 3 days exercise and 4 days rest. Maybe I'll find something one day at the weekend too.
    Once again, thanks for your help.
    Segacs, I'm in the UK and, to be honest, my GP doesn't give a ..... all he does is suggests that I have bariatric surgery (which I don't want if I can help it).