50's and flying high!

53 yr old female; been making successful changes over the past two years to lose the fat, learn better eating habits and get my parts moving - and enjoying a few laughs along the way! :p

Hoping to meet positive, like minded women who have similar goals and are learning to work around the challenges we face at this stage of our life, dealing with such things as family/work balance, the "joy" of menopause, etc, all with a sense of humour and a willingness to stay positive and learn from each other, while encouraging and supporting each other in our goals.

Bonus points if you agree a glass of wine counts as a fruit! (kidding .. just kidding!)




  • DonnaAnn64
    DonnaAnn64 Posts: 74 Member
    I turned 50 this spring, and I don't know if its all in my head, but I swear every time I get up now or have to bend over, " I groan "..lol Im stiffening up, and gaining weight too. I'm working hard to be active every day, and...oh and I enjoy my fruit also..haha!
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    54yr old, fast approaching 55. Done with that menopause thing but in a major slump these days. (maybe I could use more "fruit" in my life) Could use some positive friend motivation. Please feel free to add if you wish.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    Lovely to meet you both Donna and Deb... totally agree with both statements about the "ouch and groan" and the slump!! Time to start looking after ourselves (which is not the easiest thing in the world as we're used to putting ourselves last). I wanna be happy and healthy and able to enjoy doing things and I know at this age I will never be a gym rat, but Ive been walking more for over a year now; in the summer tend to walk more because I much prefer being outside and the treadmill bores me to death lol... but ... as my doctor reminded me, if I don't start moving the parts, they ain't gonna move at all at some point!
    So I'm trying to get in at least 30 minutes of walking every day, and some very very beginner strength training using just my body weight... just a couple to start stretching out muscles that haven't moved in years!

    After a while on MFP, I have the "food" knowledge down pat - but struggling lately with putting it into play, so looking forward to some positive motivation and support as well!
    - and a little fruit LOL...
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited November 2014
    I turn 50 in a couple weeks. Never thought of counting wine as fruit--genius! My temp runs on the cold side, and whenever I say I can't wait for the hot flashes to start, women who know better tell me I won't be glad. I've learned a lot from others on MFP and even though I have small goals, I find their stories motivating. Would love to connect!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    welcome, ahoy - nice to meet you and glad to see ya! LOL @ the colder side of things; I do feel for ya, and to be honest, I don't complain TOO much about the occasional hot flash I get, cause I've heard of other women who truly suffer a lot more. I have my moments mind you.. and I completely understand the commercial that airs here where the woman runs out into a snowstorm in shorts and a t shirt to fix the air conditioner in the middle of winter!

    I've learned so much from MFP as well, and am truly grateful for the friends I've made and the knowledge I've gained - and I owe a lot of my success to date to both; I find I do better in a "group" environment - helps me to keep on track and get ideas and suggestions from others too.. I backslid a little over the summer, and some old bad habits reared their ugly little heads, so having others around working on improving our health and fitness will help me get back in the mind set of wanting to eat well and move!

    I'm a big believer in small changes making a big difference, and for me recognizing I refuse to ever consider myself on a "diet again also works - I really like how I feel about ME when I am eating well and moving, and when I do the weight comes off too.. so that's the place I personally want to get to again.. I have about 20 lbs still to lose to get to where I'm a happy camper who feels good about my weight, AND need to really work on small increments of increasing movement in some way, especially with winter here in my neck of the woods - too easy to sit home and shiver (although I think shivering burns calories.. ?)

    If any of you would like to share their goals or thoughts, and/or stories, would love to hear from you so I can help support and encourage you!
  • 52 here. Happy to connect with people on the same journey as I am.
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    I am 51 and while it is more challenging to keep in shape after menopause it isn't quite as impossible as it felt like a year ago! I recently lost 30 lbs but the last 15 or so have been a bit more challenging. I also have come to realize that weights are my anti-aging BF. I could also use some support from women going through a similar stage in life.

    P.S. I am also the type of girl who likes to savee some calories for a good glass of wine.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    DH and NP - great to meet you! and I agree DH - having others with similar goals and of the same age is really helpful; I salute all the 20 yr olds who are taking charge of their health early on, but I don't have much in common with them lol.
    Next P - I have lost about the same, but had a slight regain over the summer so now have 20lbs to go to get to my goal. Slightly frustrated at myself for the slide, but it happened, lesson learned and I'm back on track. Did you only recently start the strength training aspect or is it something you've always done (curious because I HAVE to start (accordingly to my doc as well lol) ....

    and yessss... I will be back logging my diary tomorrow, but since I've been on MFP I always allow some cals for a glass of wine now and then! I ditched the "all or nothing" mentality when I had my best success at changing habits!

    I'm thinking this is going to be a great bunch to inspire each other to get to our happy places physically (wherever that may be for each of us!)
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited November 2014
    I typically gain 5 lb or so over the summer. Most of my exercise is outside, and in Texas, it is HOT! So I exercise less and drink more margaritas. I lose it the way I gain it--upping the exercise and cutting back on alcohol. I consider it part of my "5 lb maintenance range" rather than "backsliding," so I just enjoy the summer and buckle down in the fall.

    My doc, too, told me to start lifting weights. I promptly ignored her for a year. Eventually I started using one 10-lb hand weight + resistance/body weight exercises at home. Not much of a gym rat. The body comp difference is noticeable to me after less than a year with a pretty modest routine. I too am a big believer that small actions done consistently can make a big difference over time.

    Thanks again for starting the thread!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning all!
    Wishing everyone a good day, with good choices and some moving of the parts in some way!
    Ahoy - wow; very interested to hear about the body comp diff after less than a year? especially since you mentioned you started at home.. do u mind if I ask if you used a trainer to start or just sought out info on your own?
  • sherri30170
    sherri30170 Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning! I hit 50 in September this year. It's been a year of change. I quit smoking. I gave up drinking sweet tea. I'm eating healthier and a bit of exercise.
    I've been a yoyo with my weight for over 20 years. Up, down, up, down. You get the picture and those are push ups! HA!

    I decided to do a LIFE change all this year. So here I am. Would love to have a common ground support group of like age/minded ladies!
  • Good Morning....I am 56 1/2 years old...and find it is extremely hard to lose the weight. I started on MFP about a month ago and while I have had success it is not as fast as I would like. I understand that this is going to be a lifestyle change and I'm in it for the long-haul but I'm not always a patient person. Please add me if you so desire and we can motivate and support each other.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Good morning! Snoozie, I did not have a trainer, but it probably would have been a good idea and optimized more results with less time/effort. I started with this http://neilarey.com/programs/30-days-of-hiit.html and actually did do it 30 days. Some of the moves were new to me, so I had to consult one of my teenagers or YouTube for proper form, and gradually I learned what works for me and what I like. E.g. I learned that planks and hikes were doing a lot more than crunches. For the hand weight, I picked the 3 arm muscles I wanted more defined and picked three exercises, gradually adding reps. I should probably get a heavier weight by now, but candidly I'm still challenged (and maybe a touch lazy?)

    Kudos to you, Sherri. Those are really big changes!
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    Snooozie wrote: »
    DH and NP - great to meet you! and I agree DH - having others with similar goals and of the same age is really helpful; I salute all the 20 yr olds who are taking charge of their health early on, but I don't have much in common with them lol.
    Next P - I have lost about the same, but had a slight regain over the summer so now have 20lbs to go to get to my goal. Slightly frustrated at myself for the slide, but it happened, lesson learned and I'm back on track. Did you only recently start the strength training aspect or is it something you've always done (curious because I HAVE to start (accordingly to my doc as well lol) ....

    and yessss... I will be back logging my diary tomorrow, but since I've been on MFP I always allow some cals for a glass of wine now and then! I ditched the "all or nothing" mentality when I had my best success at changing habits!

    I'm thinking this is going to be a great bunch to inspire each other to get to our happy places physically (wherever that may be for each of us!)

    I have always done some weight training but in the last 6 months I have been trying to challenge myself more with increased weight and new exercises. The basics (squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows etc.) that people are always referring on MFP are really important. If you are just starting out there are many good youtube videos and DVDs and if you can afford it invest in sessions with a trainer to help prefect technique.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    Popping in to say a quick hi and warm welcome to sherri and merc.. lovely to have you aboard.. and many thanks to ahoy and NP for sharing the info and tips. back shortly to post but need to feed (one of the things I've learned is that I can't wait til I'm 'starving" to eat cause I'll just reach for the nearest crap.. still a challenge to have healthy stuff ready and waiting but I'm working on it - tomatoes are calling back soon!
  • Was on fitness-pal for over a year. I went to the hospital for minor surgery and on medication I deleted my profile ...boo-hoo. Now I started a new one but don't know how to find my friend? If my photo looks familiar or you just want to be a new friend please add me. I'm over 50 and my goal is just wanting to stay healthy. 7 month a vegetarian. A new runner. Nice to have people to motivate me and for me to motivate you as well. We all know it's harder to stay fit as we get older but never a reason to give up. I will be back to the gym in six weeks hopefully I won't backslide too much. Joanne
  • snoringcat
    snoringcat Posts: 131 Member
    51 here. Not gone through the menopausal thing yet - started on MFP around beginning of June. Started running via C25K program (not run since schooldays!) and now do 5K 2-3 times a week. 28lbs lost, about another 8lbs to go, but getting harder now!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited November 2014
    Will be 50 next year July. What do i have to fear...tell be all about it. :)

    But feeling good here. Joined MFP about 5 weeks ago. Starting already my diet before joining. So far lost about 41 pound.

    It was time...smiles.
    Like may say " i want to live"

    I am a graphic designer who lives in Las Vegas but born in Holland.
    Had a restaurant when i was younger and later on i had a home grown and made food service Everything organic. Lived the country life, had horses and trained horses.

    But had a hard time adjusting to the processed food in the US.
    So i started my adventure of my own diet that is a combination from 20 years ago ( when i lost 60 pounds , and kept of 40 of them through the years). and the food that is available in the US.

    Good example is the sugars and salts added to food here. I am not used to that.
    Because of a high BP and years ago a dangerous high blood sugar I avoid added sugars and salt. And try to keep cholesterol low too.
    At this point it is a big experiment but i am happy how it goes :)
    I love to develop recipes. And keep track how much calories, salt and sugars.
    All made from healthy/organic food.

    My exercise is still brisk walking on the treadmill 40 to 45 minutes a day ....with a little jog in it. And an evening walk of 20 minutes. with our little mud.
    Some Body-robics ( about 10 minutes) But that is pretty heavy ( i use to teach it) so harder to come back and get fit. Try to push it every day a bit :)

    Ideal is losing a total of 80 pounds and be fit. But i settle for less pounds and be fit and healthy.
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    Hi ladies, I sent out some friend request but MFP only allows you to send a few at a time, so if I missed you, please send one my way. I can always use more 50ish friends :D
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    edited November 2014
    Morning everyone!!

    Big welcome to Snoring Cat, Joanne and Owlhouse! Lovely to hear from you!

    This is going to be a work in progress.. doing a few replies to some of your posts but need to do it in batches cause i'm relatively puter illiterate lol.. so to start..

    Sherri - awesome on making this year a year of change!!! HUGE kudos on quitting smoking and making better choices in food and moving the parts.. I’m totally impressed and I do think that’s the key.. consistently making positive small changes lead to big results.. congrats!

    Merc - I was at around 200lbs when I had the crap scared outta me (see below lol) and let’s just say patience was NOT one of my virtues when I started out… I lost about 20 lbs on my own before coming to MFP, and my first month on it I was ready to scream with frustration… I probably would have bailed if it hadn’t been for the friends i found who talked me off the ledge (so to speak lol).. I know it’s sooo frustrating, truly I do.. but it’s so worth taking care of yourself and getting to where you wanna be; time will pass whether we invest in ourselves or not, so hang in there… it WILL be worth it, I promise!!

    Ahoy - frozen lime margaritas are my summer go to - and although we only have 2 months of summer, I spent way too many moments on a patio with one of them in my hand this year.. which was one of the reasons I regained more than a pound or two!

    I actually laughed out loud at your comment about “promptly ignored my doc for a year” re the ST.. I love my doc now; wasn't too fond of her 2 years ago when she diagnosed me with diabetes, sent me to a class that scared the crap outta me, and basically sat me down and said smarten up LOL.. (not really quite those words.. but it worked!) she is super supportive and pro-active (and the same age as me, so “gets” a lot of the challenges we all face at this age.. ) but one of the things I have yet to address is the need to start the strength training she has told me to do... I haven't quite figured out why I'm so resistant to it.. perhaps fear of the unknown and a little laziness to be honest?) :\

    I am loving the histories, goals and successes all of you have shared.. and the positive vibe!! It's all about progress, not perfection (in my humble opinion) and I am definitely inspired by all of you to continue making better choices in everything health wise.. so thanks to all!

    I've just starting logging in my diary again; and today will focus on increasing my water intake and fueling up with good stuff!!

  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Hi gals,

    I'm 55 and while not menopausal per se, my wife is 49 and perimenopausal so I can sort of relate. I've been on MFP for about two years and I've lost about 60 pounds. My experience is that MFP is a great tool, it offers (in my opinion) the right diet advice and data and probably more importantly, social support. After yo-yo dieting, I finally was successful when I engaged socially here while becoming a bit anal about logging calories from food and exercise. I was at 248 and could no longer run because of my knee. I was walking and after losing 25 my knee got better so then I started running again and the virtuous circle began. I also got more serious about weight training--I've learned that to get the body shape you want, you have to build muscle--male or female, no exceptions. I'm now in the 180's and struggling to lose that last 10 pounds just to hit the goal I set a long time ago. At our age I'm finding that getting in shape takes time, getting out of shape takes 90% less time so you have to stick with it. Also, it's easier to injure yourself so you have to be careful and moderate. But, I feel like a new man and I'm better shape than when I was in my 40's. It's worth the effort.

    While I'm definitely in my 50's, I'm not one of the girls but add me as an MFP pal if you like. And by the way, if wine is a fruit, then I'd like to add hops as a vegetable please.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi there ladies and gent! My name is Susan , I'm 58 and I've been in MFP for about two years now. I lost 40 pounds the first year, plateaued the second year, then gained 8 pounds from some summer vacations, so am now diligently working on getting those back off and continuing onward to reach my goal. I have found at this point the only thing that helps me to break through plateaus is to eat a lot of protein, like 30% of my daily calories.

    Wow, some interesting stories here!
    theowlhouse- I had no idea that there were countries without so much processed food like we have here in the US. I have found supermarkets that carry more organic , non GMO healthier more natural unprocessed foods. I used to go out to eat a lot, but now mostly eat at home... Not as much fun but definitely healthier !
    - Mulecanter, I couldn't agree with you more about how it takes 90% less time to get out of shape than to get into shape! I also have to be careful about listening to my body to avoid stirring up former injuries as well as respect the neuropathy in my right foot and arthritis. But I still manage to get in some walks and yoga and resistance at Curves when my motivation is there lol.
    - Hi Snooozie! Thanks for starting the message board :)

  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Good day to you all. Inspirational C25k story, Snoringcat. Thanks for sharing it. NextPage, I'm impressed with your heavy lifting. Squats, bench press, rows--I can see all that but deadlifts intimidate me. I almost feel vertebrae compressing just imagining it. I wonder about squats, too, re: the knees. I've justified giving myself a pass on lower body ST because I'm a runner. Maybe it's better to say I prioritize core & upper body ST since I'm weight bearing on cardio. The promise of more strength with fewer reps is alluring, though. I imagine deadlifts are awesome core builders. Did you have concerns about protecting your back? Or knees?

    Have a great day, everybody!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    edited November 2014
    Have to admit I'm loving all the resources of info from you ladies (and gent LOL)..

    AND MC - absolutely you get to count hops as a veggie.....!!!!! fair is fair LOL :D

    Feeling good about getting back to the basics again.. feeling more in control too and inspired by hearing from everyone.. will catch up later but hope everyone else is having a good day too!

    PS Susan - lovely to see ya! (Seehe was one of the afore mentioned friends who helped me enormously with support and encouragement during my journey to a healthier me (and still does!) :D:D

    PPS Ditto on the friend requests.. sent out a bunch but if I somehow missed someone feel free to add me! :smile:
  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    edited November 2014
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Good day to you all. Inspirational C25k story, Snoringcat. Thanks for sharing it. NextPage, I'm impressed with your heavy lifting. Squats, bench press, rows--I can see all that but deadlifts intimidate me. I almost feel vertebrae compressing just imagining it. I wonder about squats, too, re: the knees. I've justified giving myself a pass on lower body ST because I'm a runner. Maybe it's better to say I prioritize core & upper body ST since I'm weight bearing on cardio. The promise of more strength with fewer reps is alluring, though. I imagine deadlifts are awesome core builders. Did you have concerns about protecting your back? Or knees?

    Have a great day, everybody!

    Deadlifts are great core builders but they are also great for the hamstrings and glutes. Since it wasn't an exercise I did regularly until recently I'm just adding a bit of weight at a time so that I don't hurt myself. My cardio is spinning so I find that I am more quad dominate and deadlifts help with balancing the front and back of my legs. I totally get what you are saying about your running - we all have to look at what we are doing right and add in what is missing for a well rounded program. I'm definitely not one of those cardio vs. weights folks - I personally like the mix of both and get different things from each. Mentally, cardio helps most with destressing and giving me energy and weight training makes me feel like a strong ninja goddess who can take on the world. B)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    NEXT PAGE WROTE: " I totally get what you are saying about your running - we all have to look at what we are doing right and add in what is missing for a well rounded program. I'm definitely not one of those cardio vs. weights folks - I personally like the mix of both and get different things from each. Mentally, cardio helps most with destressing and giving me energy and weight training makes me feel like a strong ninja goddess who can take on the world. B) "
    NP - I just wanted to say I love that paragraph you wrote; sums up a wonderful attitude AND a great philosophy on incorporating some of everything into a healthier us.. many thanks for sharing that!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,463 Member
    I've recently hit my half century, and suddenly everything seems more difficult! I don't know if it's hormones, aging or what, but exercise and diet is so much harder than it was a couple of years ago. I do think we have different issues to deal with as we get older. I've sent a friend request. If anybody else on the this thread wants to add me, feel free! I don't have an open diary, I'm afraid (I don't calorie count all the time), but I do log in every day. I used to do heavy lifting and loved it, along with dance classes, but unfortunately finances dictate that I do "free" exercise at the moment. I still do some weights at home, but not as heavy as I used to do at the gym. I'm having to be creative! I've spent the last couple of years trying to do a chin-up and have a chin-up bar at home, but I still haven't got there yet. But never say never! I was delighted when I managed to do my first ever proper pushup as an obese, middle-aged woman! I lost around 60lb a while back, and I'm now maintaining.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    Vailara - welcome and thanks for the lovely post! I totally agree that its harder now; metabolism is changing and activity slowing, and the fluctuating hormone levels have to play a part in that I think.. because they definitely mess with the emotional side of me so I have to think they affect my physical aspect too… hot flashes HAVE to burn calories right?? if sweat really is fat crying, then the spontaneous combustion happening during a hot flash has sweat dripping from my temples lol… so I think maybe I should welcome a HF as a calorie burner instead? hmmmmm….. :o

    I have to say that i’m quite surprised (in a very good way!!) hearing about how many of you my age are doing ST in some form - some experienced, some just starting out or back at it.. and its made me think perhaps part of my resistance to getting started with any has been a small part of my brain that deep down believes it’s too late for me to start.. I KNOW I can lose the weight because I’ve done it.. and surrounded myself with other women my age while I was doing it, who were ALSO doing it and succeeding.. and seeing it could be done by them helped me believe I could do it too… so you sharing your stories is really helping me start to change my mind set.. that perhaps it’s not quite as intimidating as I have convinced myself it will be. So thanks to all for being so open and for all the tips and resources you’ve shared!

    Going to take a quick read of the post for some replies… today’s menu will include food for thought for me!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,463 Member
    Oh, I never thought of hot flashes burning calories! There's a positive! I'm OK in the day, it's the nights that get to me. By ST do you mean strength training? I think it's almost a fad at the moment, but a good fad. I did loads of reading around the time I started dieting, and it seemed to me to be very important for older (over 40) women in particular to do some sort of strength/resistance training, because our muscles are literally wasting away bit by bit. I'm also convinced that the deadlifts cured my back pain! I do think you have to be very, very careful and do them properly, but I found deadlifts by far the easiest lift to do, the easiest to progress and the most enjoyable. (Don't talk to me about overhead press - what a nightmare!). I still do little ones at home - only 40kg, but I still feel they're doing something for me.

    But I don't think it absolutely needs to be heavy lifting. Bodyweight exercises like pressups/pushups are still good. I do DDP yoga as well (which includes pushups). I balked at the price of the DVDs for ages, then bought then when they were on sale. They ARE expensive, but I have used them more than any other exercise DVD I've bought, so I feel I've got my money's worth. Or maybe I'd spent so much that I felt I HAD to use them! Which is still good.

    The main thing I was trying to say is that I feel strength training is MORE suitable and important for women our age than it is for younger women or for men.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    While i don't normally count "day to day" activities as calories burned from exercise...i'd just like to clarify here and now both hot flashes and snow shovelling count as calorie burns - its in the rule book (kinda like wine and hops are fruit and veg!!) :D