Holiday to Holiday Challenge

Cattyheron Posts: 7
edited November 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there,
Inspired by a friend who's a personal trainer, I am starting the holiday to holiday challenge tomorrow (it's not quite holiday to holiday, but it's close).

It's 100 repetitions of different exercises every day. You can do 10 sets of 10, 2 of 50--whatever works for you.

Most of them are pretty common, but the clocks are something my friend does with her clients. Basically, you jump in and out to 12, 3, 6, and 9...starting from the center of the "clock." For added challenge, do it on just one leg. Here's a youtube video, but if it's too confusing, just do some other work out move 100 times:

Of course, you can also incorporate any weight-lifting moves, I just wanted to keep it to body-weight only for my first time.

I hope you'll join me--post if you join, and don't forget to come back and let us know how it's going!
