Help! cant go to the gym for a month! (please read and answer)

Okay so i had signed up to fitness connections 4 months ago when i had decided to start my weight loss journey. Everything was going great untle i had cheaked my credit card to see the had billed my account twice and had took out an extra $30 for yearly fee that they didnt even notified me about. Due to this i had an insufficent amount on my credit card which had caused it to close out. Now not only do i have to pay fitness connection like $60 i also have to pay back my bank and i wont be able to pay all that back untle january. So this means no gym for me for like a month. I really want to close my fitness connections membership, but its the only gym around me. So my question is what do i do this month while im out the gym? I am begining to become really stressed out because im so afraid that this may hurt my weight loss journey and i dont want to fall off track. I just started following the iifym method 2 weeks ago and i planned on giving interminent fasting a try tomarrow because i love the hodgetwins and its all they talk about. Also i run track for my school so im active, i just wont be able to go to the gym and lift weights on the weekends no more.
Will this slow down my weight loss? I am in deperate need for advice and I will be grateful for any answers provided. Thanks!


  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    There are tons of workouts that you can do at home, even if you don't own any weights. (there are several that use household items as weights). Just use google to find them
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    There are numerous free ways you can work out right from the comfort of your home/ neighborhood.

    Work out videos (Simply Spoga, Tae Bo, Biggest Loser, and Jillian Michaels) are a staple for me and can be checked out from the library for free!

    Also you can walk or run around your neighborhood. I downloaded the C25K app to my phone, but you can also find instructions for the running sessions online and use a watch as a free alternative.

    If you prefer working out in a group, you may be able to find a running or cycling group in your area. These are typically free.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    27 home workouts, no equipment. I found it through Pinterest.
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    First off if you are absolutely sure that payment was not authorised you should be able to charge it back. Problem solved.
  • ColdPlum
    ColdPlum Posts: 57 Member
    When I travel, I use a 7 minute workout fitness app. Its very intense and seems to do the trick. I wouldn't do it more than twice in a day. There are so many other workout apps and online videos, though. The possibilities are truly endless. Also, walking, jogging, climbing up and down stairs. Use your environment!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If you run, you should be fine. Your school might let you lift weights there.