Getting my brain in the game - how have you pushed through or got yourself psyched up?

I know what to do - been there, done that got the t-shirt so what is the deal? Exercise, eat less - eat whole foods - drink water. I get started with exercise and do great and then get interrupted like on that movie UP - "squirrel". Exercise consistency is not a big problem for me most of the time - it's sticking to the food plan that I am really struggling with and feel stupid because I know what to do - why don't I just do it! Duh! The two trouble makers are Dr Pepper and chocolate. There's chocolate left over from Halloween - we didn't buy any, we didn't even pass out candy. But my Dad made bags for us (I'm 52 and my hubby is 50). We still have a bag of bite size chocolate that if I am stressed at work (I work from home for a national company) means that break time will find me grabbing 2 or 3 "bite size" chocolates and a Dr Pepper. Not exactly an equation for losing weight. I get migraines and no logic can work when I'm in the midst of that and having to be professional at "work". Hubby and I are really feeling the Empty Nest this time too. Always before our daughter would come home on the weekends but both kids have been gone most of the time this semester. Our daughter is graduating from college this semester and our son is living his life at a college too far to come home for weekends and which no longer includes us. That's a bit hard for us to swallow. When they come home I want to make their favorites - food is how we celebrate. Did I mention that I need to lose about 50 pounds and hubby needs to gain about 50 pounds? If we could just run at each other like in Freaky Friday and switch we'd be perfect. Lol My son doesn't care what we eat unless it's healthy for you. I went through a major vegetarian stage when he left for school and would still like to make that work but hubby continued to lose weight and is not very adventurous when it comes to food. Very picky eater. My son said he went off to college and we became Hippies because we do Yoga too - LOL - so not true. Anyway, with all these transitions and getting hit with one bug after another lately having a hard time getting a good "streak" going. Need to get fired up about it.

My bff's hubby has the P90X that he's not going to use and he knows I'm dying to try it so he's going to give that to me. I'm hoping that will kick start the motivation and get me going again.

Part of it is every night hubby parks himself in front of the t.v. You'd think he would be the one with the weight problem. But the rest of the time he's like a Tasmanian devil swirling around from one project to another.

Anybody else know exactly what to do but have consistency issues - lacking motivation or is it just me?

Still getting over the stomach bug Bounced back for a couple of days - planned on hoping on the treadmill tonight but now tummy is flip flopping again.

I know once I get going I'll be fine - it's just getting a 2 or 3 week consistent pattern started that has been an issue this entire year.

Has anyone else been in this position and how did you push past it?


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    That has been me most of this year. I did great in January and February after our big move across country, but then I fell off again and every time I started, it would only be a few days, if that!

    I find that what keeps me going for awhile is to do a lot of research. I spend my free time reading about diets and exercise, planning what I will do, etc. Basically, I have to be obsessed about it for a few weeks while I get into the habits, then I can be "normal," by which I mean eating reasonable amounts of mostly home cooked food and moving my body every day without it occupying my every second. OK, the home cooked food is not normal around here, but it works for me.

    As for hubby, he can eat more of what I cook, or he can fend for himself. Mine chooses to eat what I cook, he just eats twice as much. Or if there isn't that much extra, he has a couple pieces of fruit or a bowl of cereal after dinner. He would eat some junk food if it were around, but he rarely asks me to buy it for him. If he is looking particularly gaunt, I might go ahead and buy his favorites.
  • dodgethepodge
    dodgethepodge Posts: 23 Member
    edited November 2014
    I have this issue whenever my goal is not sufficient.

    This time around, I will be performing on stage in a few weeks so want to look my best. I have also brought some smaller sized ski sallopettes so if I don't lose it, it won't be able to go skiing this winter!

    Not to mention... muffin top pics (I have some from a couple months ago now... seeing difference is motivating!)

    Set yourself something exciting to look forward to - a reason to lose it... just for health is great but fails under too much temptation frequently for me. :)
  • Balaru
    Balaru Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks for the comments - I'm headed to the gym right now and I have a 5K picked out for January 17th. I did really well when I was doing the gym, WW and one 5K or 10k per month. Granted I did more walking than running but it was a start. Trying to get back to that lifestyle. Spent sometime picking races for each month next year. Thanks ya'll! B)