I am afraid



  • maria0elisa
    maria0elisa Posts: 199 Member
    What is 'failure' though? you don't have to have an end goal.
    so what if you don't lose x amount in a given number of months-- just by using mfp you will probably be a little healthier and eat a little more wisely, which is a huge difference from where you are now!

  • maria0elisa
    maria0elisa Posts: 199 Member
    I have a short story to help remember about 'targets' being helpful, not just because you could tick them off completely but ALSO because if you aim high, you're more likely to get to halfway. And actually, getting to halfway is more than enough! ;)

    So apparently for the pirates movies, johnny depp wanted a certain number of gold fillings for the role, but he knew the director wouldn't like it. So he got his dentist to put in many more than he really wanted.... the director then made him take some out, so he ended up with the perfect amount that he actually wanted in the first place.

    I hope that makes sense ha.
  • crashchamp
    crashchamp Posts: 147 Member
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

    Thomas A. Edison
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome! Just jump in... we all have fears and obstacles, schedules etc... it sounds like you came to MFP and you posted your comment because something in you is more afraid not to start.

    I have caused some damage through some of my habits in the past and have issues such as acid reflux which seems to make me extremely susceptible to colds. Diabetes runs in my family and I am trying to stay out of the diabetic zone. Those are some of mine, in addition to my kids/family.

    All I am saying is jump in and get started! But that doesn't have to mean living in the gym - maybe it means you are walking more, getting outside - maybe it's bike riding.

    Sometimes I would get breaking bad episodes for my phone and watch them on the exercise bike - that way I wasn't thinking about the exercise...

    I also would go to the gym at off hours when less people were there because I am more private about exercise and I do not like to feel it's a competition.

    Not sure if that helps, but Good luck! Feel free to add me.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    The best advice I can give is start making small changes, as those become routine add more changes. Some people do great diving into the deep end and don't falter. Positive steps are better than running the other direction.
  • logicalinks
    logicalinks Posts: 89 Member
    edited November 2014
    Almost everyone who's had a significant amount of weight to lose has had some similar fears. And everyone here is right, just take it slowly and make changes that will impact your health for good. Once you see it working, pick another goal, and another.

    None of us ended up being overweight by waking up one morning and being X lbs heavier. It was a series of less-than-healthy choices, day in and day out, year after year that got us into unhealthy places. Now, it's time to reverse the choices and make them healthy ones, day in and day out, year after year.

    Watching my beloved mother become very overweight and seeing her loss of mobility because of her weight was one of the motivating factors for me to get moving and get healthy. No more excuses, no more thinking that "I'm just like her." Over one year later at 53 years old, and I'm down 48 pounds. Only eight more until my goal weight, but I'm already at my fitness goal. I can run again (six miles this weekend), I'm lifting weights, walking briskly every day, and just generally feeling like my younger self again.

    I'm an impatient person by nature, but my determination to get healthy has tempered that. To do it right and to stay with it, your mindset has to be in it for the long haul. As long as you make more healthy decisions than you do unhealthy ones, you will see change, you will feel better, and as a result, you will want to/be able to make even better choices. It's a great cycle to be caught up in!!

    Good luck, don't let your fears stop you from becoming the person you want to be, and never, ever give up!!