Hi Successful Mfp friends, What was the mind set "ways" that helped your mind "click" to succed?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I decided to be walking proof that a person can change their life on their own by:

    1. embracing personal responsibility instead of blaming other people or factors
    2. patience instead of a sick need for instant gratification
    3. consistency instead of 'only when Im motivated' to do something
    4. diligence and a desire to understand what I am doing, instead of asking other people to do my research for me and just tell me the answer
    5. self-awareness instead of always asking other people what Im doing wrong

  • erindunphy
    erindunphy Posts: 46 Member
    For me, my aha moment was when I decided to stop looking at it as "one day at a time". It can be difficult to make the right choices in the moment! But if I look ahead to a year from now, there's no way I'm going to remember wanting a doughnut, or wanting to sit on the couch rather than exercise. I look ahead to the version of myself that I'm doing all of this for, the incredibly happy version of me that's reached my goal. When I think of today as a brief moment on my journey to that version of myself, it makes each decision easier! I want to meet her way more than I want a doughnut :D
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    My initial impetus was a health scare (turned out to be a false alarm) plus sudden weight gain (from an already obese baseline) that was about to send me to the fat guy store for new clothes. However, the reason it is succeeding is that I needed a success in my life and losing weight is entirely in my control. I can't fix the more important things as easily.
  • Abstraktimus
    Abstraktimus Posts: 213 Member
    This is how and why I started my journey from 364lbs to where I am today!
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    This is truly an Inspiring page I hope many many people read all your stories, and experiences, well shared, and I wish many more share theirs :) . Sometimes a single story can just help someone get through a day, cheerfully. For those who have completed their journey and achieved victory and those like me still on this journey, know that's its an accumulation of small good habits and choices that will get us to the finish line. cheers to all victors, well done , and Big hugs to all lots of love Grace :)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Mine is a simple story- I saw a photo of myself and couldn't believe my size; I looked 8 month pregnant!
    Found calorie counting and aquafit.
    The rest is history.
    30lb down and maintained for about 4 years.

    Cheers, h.
    Avatar photo is me turning 60 last year. Me in my wake-up photo 5yr ago is in my profile.
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    "from stackhsc - All you need is a personal reason that you can use to focus on and to drive you." how is it that some people just have this reason ?

    Like its easy enough to understand Dan's reason, his teacher being the catalyst to change!!, like another person, a friend said something bad, and that is making her change!
    Health scare is also understandable.

    Health yes, I am trying to get to my healthy BMI zone. But that does not get you through those temptation days!! that derail you!!

    Honestly where does one find those "personal reasons" that come from your gut, that just drives you!! and you don't have those "I failed to carry my cross days!!"
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    111grace wrote: »
    "from stackhsc - All you need is a personal reason that you can use to focus on and to drive you." how is it that some people just have this reason ?

    Like its easy enough to understand Dan's reason, his teacher being the catalyst to change!!, like another person, a friend said something bad, and that is making her change!
    Health scare is also understandable.

    Health yes, I am trying to get to my healthy BMI zone. But that does not get you through those temptation days!! that derail you!!

    Honestly where does one find those "personal reasons" that come from your gut, that just drives you!! and you don't have those "I failed to carry my cross days!!"

    You have to honestly dig deep into your ugly parts that you shut away and never peek at, and face yourself in all your good and evil glory and get to know her.

    Once you embrace all of that, you will learn your reasons. If you hide the dark side of yourself forever, you may never know.

    What are your greatest fears, worries and hopes? I mean the really huge ones. Be brave enough to explore them.

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    My first "aha" moment was when I went to an event at school with my oldest daughter. I was 376 pounds, and had trouble moving around. I had to walk from the parking lot to the door and had to stop several times, and once inside the door I had to sit down to catch my breath. There weren't any chairs so I had to sit on the floor. I had the nerve to tell the teachers that they were making people walk too far. I was just humiliated and remembered thinking "Something has got to change".

    Recently had gotten off track for about 18 months. A guy I know who's 3 years younger than me, and (I think) weighs more than me recently had a heart attack. One of the artery's was like 90% blocked.

    Things that help "keep me legal" are:
    1. Realizing I'm human. That means I'm going to slip up - it isn't a matter of if, but when it'll happen. When it does, there will be no negative self talk about having no will power or wondering what my problem is. I will just dust myself off and move on.
    2. There will be events where there will be foods that are not "food journal friendly". I will do my best to focus on protein and veggies - but will not beat myself up if I graze beyond that.
    3. Be good with drinking water and getting in fiber.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    111grace wrote: »
    This is truly an Inspiring page I hope many many people read all your stories, and experiences, well shared, and I wish many more share theirs :) . Sometimes a single story can just help someone get through a day, cheerfully. For those who have completed their journey and achieved victory and those like me still on this journey, know that's its an accumulation of small good habits and choices that will get us to the finish line. cheers to all victors, well done , and Big hugs to all lots of love Grace :)

    This IS a great thread - I'm thoroughly enjoying everyone's stories. Very impressive and motivational!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Kevvboy wrote: »
    When I moved to my current town, I chose an obese MD because I figured he would be more understanding. It wasn't too long before he announced that he was going to have gastric bypass surgery - and I would be next! After that, every 3 mos. when I went in for blood work, there was less of my dr. and he was more certain I was the ideal candidate for the surgery. I did NOT want the surgery because I felt it would not work for me long-term. I knew too many people who'd done surgery and gained all the weight back. Finally I realized I either had to do the surgery - or lose the weight the "hard" way. Fourteen months later - the dr. is thin but complains about things he can't eat, post-surgery. And I am thinner than he is - HA HA HA! Sometimes revenge (or the urge to shut up somebody's nagging) can be a strong motivator!

    When I told him he was a "negative motivator" for me the MD smiled and said, "whatever works."

    That is a great story! Good for you. Thanks for sharing.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    This is how and why I started my journey from 364lbs to where I am today!

    I'm so sorry you experienced such a painful situation, but I'm very happy that it helped you make permanent, positive changes! Thank you also for sharing that. I'm sure it wasn't easy.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I didn't want to buy any more clothing in a larger size and I wanted to fit back into my old clothes.

    That was enough to get going. Feeling better about myself was enough to keep it up. Liking myself better was enough to keep going long term.
  • heart2health
    heart2health Posts: 99 Member
    My aha moment was my first heart attack in July and then having a second heart attack less than 18 hours after I got out of the hospital 3 days later. When I got out of intensive care 14 days later and finally walked out of the hospital door it was then I knew I had to make a change because the odds were against me surviving a third heart attack. It opens your eyes and alot can happen in those near miss moments. It's a wake up call that you don't forget when you get up in the morning and realize you've got another day to make it better... for life.
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    Thank you all :) for your Inspirations, Big hugs delightful people for sharing :) yesterday my mind clicked about the exercise ( I hate exercise, so mindless and repetitive) & too many binging days!! reading this quote :"FITNESS is like a Marriage you can't cheat on it and expect it to work."
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    A friend of mine was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. How she found out? She went briefly totally blind. I knew she was overweight and not very active and I didn't want that to happen to me. One day I just decided to jump on the scale and face the music. 193 at 5'11 and 33 years old. I knew my pants were getting tight but WOW, that was the heaviest I EVER want to be again. In the summer of 2012, I got to 143. Had a bit of an issue staying there, but maintained around 150 for a year until I thought "I had this". I didn't have it, by Dec. 14', I was back up to 166.

    My goal now is to get back to 150 (2.6lbs to go) and STAY THERE.

    BTW, that friend of mine, it took her a long time to face facts and get her health together. Finally she had enough and lost 75lbs. And she's kept it off. She still struggles, like all of us, but I think it finally hit home.
  • lindsmayf
    lindsmayf Posts: 16 Member
    Over a year I gained about 25 pounds with no change in diet or lifestyle whatsoever. I spent several months trying to blame it on some unexplained health issue, but eventually came to this conclusion: WHATEVER the reason, I can either feel crappy about it, or I can do something. On about the third or fourth pep talk I got myself moving. I haven't lost all the weight, but I feel ten times better because I am taking control of things, instead of just sitting back and hating my body.

    The BIG thing for me (and probably the only reason I've been able to stick with it) was finding a gym that I love with classes I actually look forward to. Once I'd been there a few weeks, I even started making friends with the instructors and the other people, which is big for me since I'm usually very introverted.

    Like many people have said: It's a totally unique (and frustrating) experience for each individual person. Sometimes you have to try 99 different strategies before you find the ONE that works!
  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    "Sometimes you have to try 99 different strategies before you find the ONE that works!"
    The 99 times is so tiring & draining, most people give up, some days I feel like that and I binge, overeat, derail myself. NB : remember Thomas Edison and all his tries :) & keep going, the view at the top is beautiful always :)