
bekkahlokey Posts: 73
edited November 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone know of a good exercise or weight lifting movement to help my shoulders get stronger? I have always had issues with my shoulders popping out of socket and being "loose" (I'm also double jointed there) so things like Burpees and push ups have been a little hard on me. I want to do those things but need something to help get me there. I was rock climbing but that became expensive AND it's cold out now.

Thanks in advance.


  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    edited November 2014
    If you have shoulder issues you may want to talk to a PT but I will post a video that helped me when I was starting to develop shoulder pain from bench press.

    I do this twice a week. No shoulder pain for two years now.
  • bekkahlokey
    Thanks so much. I will be trying some of these. I don't have a gym currently so I'll have to improvise but, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks again!
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Thanks so much. I will be trying some of these. I don't have a gym currently so I'll have to improvise but, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks again!

    If you're not at a gym you can get a resistance band and do "band pull-aparts" at home, for like 50 - 100 reps.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Good video above. I also throw in stuff like this:

    Similar but with some extra delt work.
  • bekkahlokey
    Seriously, thanks to all for the response. I'm hoping this helps. I tried crossfit for the first time 2 weeks ago, and when I woke up the next morning I was in cold sweats and tears. Couldn't even drive to work I was in so much pain... Stupid burpees. And the worst part is I'm not out of shape, which made me feel like a total idiot/fatso.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Seriously, thanks to all for the response. I'm hoping this helps. I tried crossfit for the first time 2 weeks ago, and when I woke up the next morning I was in cold sweats and tears. Couldn't even drive to work I was in so much pain... Stupid burpees. And the worst part is I'm not out of shape, which made me feel like a total idiot/fatso.

    Having janky shoulders doesn't make you an idiot by any means, although I know it can make you feel 100 years older. LOL. I've had bad shoulders myself from years of baseball and a couple bad hits in football. At one point I seriously thought I was going to need shoulder surgery, here is what literally saved me.

    1. Spider Crawls:
    2. Band Pull Aparts:
    3. Shoulder Health Video:

    Interesting that we have two different Joe D references in the same thread, don't see him much on MFP and he is such a smart individual.

    As for CF... I think that's something you should shelve until your shoulder gets better. Snatches and Burpees are going to make you hurt very badly, plank pushups, box dips will likely not go over well either until you can really stabilize that shoulder capsule. Videos 1 and 2 that I posted were truly my saving grace in-terms of shoulder health, please take a look at those two at least.