Advice to help my very obese sister!



  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    mearsy88 wrote: »
    I need help..... Well I need advice to help my sister with her weight.

    My sister lives at home with my parents. She's 24 years old and has a part time job at McDonalds and spends most her time sat on her computer and eating food. I don't know how much she weighs but I do know 3 years ago I was helping her buy 30/32 size clothing, and I know she must be bigger than that now. I'm not super close to my sister. Actually our family is not close. We like to be around each other but we don't tell everyone everything.we are all quite independent It's just how we roll, always been like that.

    I moved out 3 years ago with my partner somewhere which is 3 and half hour drive from home , and my brother did the same around the same time but to another country! So I don't see my family as much as I can but I do try. I've come home for 5 days and I'm currently on day 4. In those 4 days my sister has been out at least 3 times to buy junk food. I said to her I thought she was doing slimming world (which she is!) and she said she hates it when people say that as it makes her angry and wants to buy more food!

    She has a boyfriend. They have been together since they were 16. He's different though, still lives with parents, stick thin, and has a half decent job but he couldn't support them both. He is the one who drives her around to get food. It's as if he doesn't want to help her.

    She needs to sort her life out otherwise she isn't going to be around much longer. I don't know how to say it to her or even help her as I'm that far away.

    Any help is appreciated

    I agree with many others in that your sister has to want to help herself. you can't make her. you can show her your healthy habits and hope that she asks you to help. that's as far as you can go.
    I feel for you, though. I would want to do whatever i could to get her to be healthy.
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    There is no timeline on how long it will be before she wants to lose the weight. For my fiance's brother, it was a life-changing diagnosis at the doctor. For me, it was the day that my favorite jeans didn't fit. For my uncle, the day has yet to come. It really depends on the person.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Her life, her time. You aren't close enough to tell her what she already knows. This is not a problem of lack of information.

    I like all the suggestions to build a relationship first. That can be YOUR goal.

    Concentrate on reinforcing everything about her that is positive and strong. Ignore the weight; that's a symptom.
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    i would NOT ask her how "so and so diet" is going, as others have said. when SHE brings it up, you can ask. not until then.