Losing weight without excercise?



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Also wanted to know if anyone benefitted from 10-15 mins of HIIT as that is something i am trying to accomodate at work!

    15 minutes of HIIT (if it really is done at full intensity) is equivalent to 45 minutes' jogging*. A proper 10 minute HIIT session should leave someone who doesn't exercise much being unable to do another 10 minutes.

  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    TBH If I had a baby, I'd use him/her as part of the exercise. Eg carrying him/her and doing sumo squats. The baby will love it and you get to spend time with him/her. You could even swing her around to work the abs like a medicine ball. I'd avoid slams, though: http://youtu.be/Rx_UHMnQljU

  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    Absolutely. Diet is the most important part of it.
    It is hard though. If you have a regular, still-sitting job, you burn 1800 calories daily and will have to consume max 1300 a day to lose at a moderate speed. It's fine for a couple of weeks, but you'll find it hard over time.
    Try to "sneak in" exercise when you can. When I am going for errands (grocery shopping, dry cleaning, post office), I do it all on the same day, put on tights and sneakers and power walk everywhere.
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Also wanted to know if anyone benefitted from 10-15 mins of HIIT as that is something i am trying to accomodate at work!


    I have just started doing HIIT on my stationary bike, for 16 mins 3 times per week and it is working fine for me but I have only just started losing again.
  • azyaria
    azyaria Posts: 18 Member
    I think the current statistic out there is that proper nutrition accounts for 85% of your diet.

    I have lost weight with exercise - but I was eating "clean foods". A couple of years ago, I was exercising for 60 minutes a day (walking on a treadmill with incline). I was doing this for about 2 years - during some of that time I was tracking calories religiously, other times I was not. I lost maybe 5-10 pounds during that time.

    When I got engaged, I wanted to lose weight faster for my wedding. I didn't have the time to exercise more, and I didn't have the energy or willpower to train harder/more efficiently/change things up, so I did an overhaul on my diet. Basically, I started following the Eat Clean diet - and after a couple of months I lost 15 lbs. And I was still doing the same 60 minutes of exercise that I had been doing for years.

    Recently, I have not been exercising at all - and I returned to clean eating and lost about 5 lbs in the first couple of weeks. I'm not being consistent so I wish I could say I have been losing more, but for me, proper nutrition reigns over exercise!
  • Xenophonica
    Xenophonica Posts: 79 Member
    I lost 40lbs with WW and the only exercise I did was walking around the mall :p I didn't add exercise or keep it up though, which is why I gained it all (and then some) back. So, agreeing with the others. Its totally possible (and likely) to lose weight without it, but personally I feel that exercise, even in small amounts, keeps me motivated to stay in check in the kitchen :)
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    Yes, I did lose my weight without doing much more than walking.

    But I am trying to get fit now as I realise that getting fit is just as important for my health. And I am looking like a skinny fat person now without much tone and who still gets breathless after walking uphill. So I wouldn't really recommend losing weight without exercise (I was just lazy)
  • loveyourself11
    loveyourself11 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all!!! Your inputs are extremely valuable. Its unanimous that working out is a total win win!! Have got lots of ideas from everyone will surely figure out how i can workout, if not an hour at stretch, I'll distribute it through the day...i could definately accommodate all that.....

    Glad i posted this so thanks again!!! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    As long as you have a calorie deficit, then there should be no problem. However, in my experience, I have found that you get a better shape with weight loss if you work out. :-) I lost quite a lot in the first 2 months without exercise.