Finding it extremely hard to eat. Please I need help



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't think the OP is asking about meal timing. She's concerned that she's unable to eat more than 700 calories, including being unable to eat half her breakfast and having to choke down her protein shake at dinner.

    I'd assume it's a sign I was getting sick or stressed unconsciously, as someone else said, but if it goes on you probably should check with a doctor.
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    The calculator at says you should be eating around 1900 to maintain, so by eating 1200, you're keeping around a 700 calorie deficit. Honestly, I personally would increase it to 1400, keeping a 500 calorie deficit, but then I like to eat :blush: If you're comfortable and not hungry with such a low intake, then I would suggest that you do whatever you can to ensure that you eat at least that much, the 1200.

    Have you tried drinking your calories? Often, that's easier than forcing yourself to eat. A protein shake or meal replacement drink can go a long way toward filling in those calorie and nutrient holes.

    Also, higher calorie healthful foods like nuts, extra virgin olive oil, or cheese (if you eat dairy) are great for boosting your calorie intake without filling it with junk.

    Thank you so much. I struggle to eat more than 1200 a day. I only reach about 1400 if I eat bacon and feta with breakfast. I bought a new meal replacement with a bit more carbs, (the previous one didn't have a lot of carbs) in the hope that it might help me boost the calories as well at dinner when I couldn't manage lunch. Could it be that I eat too much low calorie foods and feel full quicker? Could I replace my lunch with a meal replacement as well? definitely going to doctor cause its not like me not to eat. There's a reason why I looked like I
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    See your doctor about the lack of appetite.

    Also, if you can suck down a meal replacement shake, you can suck down more calories by mixing that stuff with a McDonald's shake. They're empty calories, but they're calories. So, if you just want more calories, that's easily solved. Having empty calories will not help your health, though. You need nutrients.

    It is unlikely that a few days of not eating much will do any real damage, but the lack of appetite is something you should absolutely have investigated by someone who knows what they're doing. Doctor, doctor, doctor. :)
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    Okay getting down to basics. Did you up you water and then start noticing that you weren't hungry as much? Do you drink more water in the morning vs at night or do you spread them evenly through the day?

    Gotta confess I only drink water when I remember to *blush* but I always make sure I get my 12 glasses. About 3 months ago if I drank 6 glasses of water, it was a lot
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    The calculator at says you should be eating around 1900 to maintain, so by eating 1200, you're keeping around a 700 calorie deficit. Honestly, I personally would increase it to 1400, keeping a 500 calorie deficit, but then I like to eat :blush: If you're comfortable and not hungry with such a low intake, then I would suggest that you do whatever you can to ensure that you eat at least that much, the 1200.

    Have you tried drinking your calories? Often, that's easier than forcing yourself to eat. A protein shake or meal replacement drink can go a long way toward filling in those calorie and nutrient holes.

    Also, higher calorie healthful foods like nuts, extra virgin olive oil, or cheese (if you eat dairy) are great for boosting your calorie intake without filling it with junk.

    Thank you so much. I struggle to eat more than 1200 a day. I only reach about 1400 if I eat bacon and feta with breakfast. I bought a new meal replacement with a bit more carbs, (the previous one didn't have a lot of carbs) in the hope that it might help me boost the calories as well at dinner when I couldn't manage lunch. Could it be that I eat too much low calorie foods and feel full quicker? Could I replace my lunch with a meal replacement as well? definitely going to doctor cause its not like me not to eat. There's a reason why I looked like I

    Ha! I agree, our bodies weren't built in a day.

    I wouldn't panic, because there's lots of reasons to lose our appetites temporarily, but it really is a good idea to get checked out, especially since you know it's unusual for you. In the meantime, yes, switching to some higher calorie fare will certainly help you reach your goal. As I said before EVOO, cheese and nut butters are your friends. You can add one or more to anything that makes sense (EVOO on your veggies, cheese on your eggs, peanut butter on or in anything else, including your shake.) Coconut oil is also a good one for adding to things, as it has a fairly neutral flavor and lots of the good fats.

    Since fats are satiating, you might try shifting more of your fatty foods to later in the day, and more carb-heavy foods early.
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    acogg wrote: »
    I will not quote a particular post, I will let other readers form their own opinion from past posts. If I quote, it will be considered a "targeting" post. I do question the OP that food timing is important to weight loss. It has not been my experience that missing lunch has harmed my health or weight loss.

    :D I do eat the same time every day breakfast at 9:00 lunch: 13:00 and dinner 17:30 :)
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Does OP need the calories from lunch? Will she survive if she can't eat those calories? Only time will tell the outcome.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    acogg wrote: »
    Does OP need the calories from lunch? Will she survive if she can't eat those calories? Only time will tell the outcome.

    Really? Your suggestion is to wait and see if a 700 calorie per day diet will kill the OP, rather than just going to get checked by a doc and changing up the diet to improve the likelihood of reaching her calorie goal and keeping as much muscle mass as possible, with as few deficiencies as possible? Is that what you would do?
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    edited November 2014
    This is what happend yesterday
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    acogg wrote: »
    I will not quote a particular post, I will let other readers form their own opinion from past posts. If I quote, it will be considered a "targeting" post. I do question the OP that food timing is important to weight loss. It has not been my experience that missing lunch has harmed my health or weight loss.
    I think you may have misunderstood the OP's problem.

    The issue is not one of meal timing, but one of a total lack of appetite.

    The OP is concerned because she has to force in the little bit of food she can manage to eat.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    This is what happened yesterday:
    Your Food Diary For: 

    Wednesday, November 26, 2014 

    BreakfastCaloriesCarbsFatProteinSodiumSugarOnions - Onions Fried, 0.25 cup (210 gm)2350123Tomato - Tomato, 0.5 whole, medium820092Feta - Feta, 28 g800652800Bacon - Bacon Fried, 1 slices410331880Generic - Baked Egg, 1.5 large egg117189931Add Food 

    Quick Tools

    269817185726LunchSuper M - Chocolate Milk, 300 ml1832461000Add Food 

    Quick Tools

    1832461000DinnerCheckers - Long Life Full Cream Milk, 250 ml163129912312Evox - Lean Pro Vanilla Diet Protein Shake, 2 scoops980121270Add Food 

    Quick Tools

    26112103015012SnacksAdd Food 

    Quick Tools

          DrinksAdd Food 

    Quick Tools


    Sorry, the formatting didn't follow so it's all run together illegibly :neutral_face:
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    Sorry about that here's what happened yesterdayht83u0wm6aay.png
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Yeah, you really do need more than that. Adding peanut butter or coconut oil to your shake will boost the calories and add some good fats (for the peanut butter, you have to mix it really well with a blender or it will remain chunky.)

    Your breakfast looks yummy! However, on the theory that eating sugar causes your blood sugar to spike and fall, making you feel hungry, maybe try replacing some of the fats in your breakfast with fruit? Maybe even a little sugary, like toast with a good fruit spread.
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    Here's a normal everyday for me with exercise I know the previous one said I exercised yesterday but I just forgot to delete it, because I preplan and log everthing before hand. f9ijsjd7ghvu.png
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah, you really do need more than that. Adding peanut butter or coconut oil to your shake will boost the calories and add some good fats (for the peanut butter, you have to mix it really well with a blender or it will remain chunky.)

    Your breakfast looks yummy! However, on the theory that eating sugar causes your blood sugar to spike and fall, making you feel hungry, maybe try replacing some of the fats in your breakfast with fruit? Maybe even a little sugary, like toast with a good fruit spread.

    Get my fruit at night can you maybe look at my normal day dairy as well please
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Yeah, you really do need more than that. Adding peanut butter or coconut oil to your shake will boost the calories and add some good fats (for the peanut butter, you have to mix it really well with a blender or it will remain chunky.)

    Your breakfast looks yummy! However, on the theory that eating sugar causes your blood sugar to spike and fall, making you feel hungry, maybe try replacing some of the fats in your breakfast with fruit? Maybe even a little sugary, like toast with a good fruit spread.

    Get my fruit at night can you maybe look at my normal day dairy as well please

    Well, that's what I'm saying...changing when you eat the sugars (fruit) and fats might help a little by letting the sugar do it's hungry-making magic early in the day and letting the fats fill you up later in the day.
  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah, you really do need more than that. Adding peanut butter or coconut oil to your shake will boost the calories and add some good fats (for the peanut butter, you have to mix it really well with a blender or it will remain chunky.)

    Your breakfast looks yummy! However, on the theory that eating sugar causes your blood sugar to spike and fall, making you feel hungry, maybe try replacing some of the fats in your breakfast with fruit? Maybe even a little sugary, like toast with a good fruit spread.

    Get my fruit at night can you maybe look at my normal day dairy as well please

    Well, that's what I'm saying...changing when you eat the sugars (fruit) and fats might help a little by letting the sugar do it's hungry-making magic early in the day and letting the fats fill you up later in the day.

    :D oky so I should replace my morning veggies with fruit? Im only alowed 2 portions of carbs per meal :blush:
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    acogg wrote: »
    Does OP need the calories from lunch? Will she survive if she can't eat those calories? Only time will tell the outcome.


    I really think the point of this thread went over your head.

    Her concern is lack of appetite and barely able to eat 700 calories in a day. It's also a sudden change from normal. People aren't concerned with the fact that she didn't eat lunch, but the fact that shes forcing down protein shakes just to get to 700 calories.

    acogg wrote: »
    There is nothing wrong with eating all of your day for breakfast. Your body is not sick, it is satisfied. It is puzzling to me why not being hungry is considered a symptom of a disease.
    And yes sudden decreased appetite can be a symptom of another problem.

    To the OP, this may be a little odd, but are you by chance constipated?

  • HanreCornelius
    HanreCornelius Posts: 32 Member
    acogg wrote: »
    Does OP need the calories from lunch? Will she survive if she can't eat those calories? Only time will tell the outcome.


    I really think the point of this thread went over your head.

    Her concern is lack of appetite and barely able to eat 700 calories in a day. It's also a sudden change from normal. People aren't concerned with the fact that she didn't eat lunch, but the fact that shes forcing down protein shakes just to get to 700 calories.

    acogg wrote: »
    There is nothing wrong with eating all of your day for breakfast. Your body is not sick, it is satisfied. It is puzzling to me why not being hungry is considered a symptom of a disease.
    And yes sudden decreased appetite can be a symptom of another problem.

    To the OP, this may be a little odd, but are you by chance constipated?

    Yeah this might sound odd too :\ I went from 3 times a day to every 3rd day
  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    edited November 2014
    Seek medical advice..
    700 calories is just wayyy too low for real Your appetite should naturally be proportional to your energy expenditure and you are obviously expending much more,but still don't feel like consuming similar amount.This is not normal,don't let it continue that way.