I'm such a idiot...



  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    I agreed to go out for the night with a few friends as I haven't been out in months. Drank too quickly and mixed too many drinks, so I ended up in a&e with alcohol poisoning. Got let home a few hours later and felt really ill the next day but had a bad sugar craving.
    I ate: -half tube of sweet chilli pringles, 3/4 of a big bar of cadbury chocolate, small bag malteasers, bag of crisps, two slices of takeaway pizza and a ham sandwhich.

    I drank lots of water that day and ate properly yesterday, but now the scales are showing my pig out feast. I was 9st 13lbs, but now the scales are telling nearly 10st 1lbs. Any chance this is water weight?
    aN idiot?
    your decision.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Best advice is to learn to drink socially without binge-drinking. I know that can be tough when you're young and (I presume) British. But learn to nurse or sip on a beer or a glass of wine all evening, rather than tossing back as many drinks as you can. Drink because you enjoy the taste of a beer, not to get drunk. You'll be happier, you'll spend less money, and you won't end up in the emergency room!

    And yeah, you'll take the weight back off. Just get back on the horse.