Sometimes hard work does not pay off

So I have worked my butt off this week: working out every day and eating well-balanced and nutritious meals. And I didn't lose squat. Nothing. I am so bummed. I have been on a really great trend, losing 11lbs in the last four weeks (like I said, working really hard at this), so this feels like a HUGE defeat.

I even ran 13miles yesterday and killed my PR by over a minute.

So, I just needed to vent. Anyone else experience this? If so, what do you do to get over the defeat?



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I just went 2 weeks with no loss at all. The third week I dropped 4 lbs. It happens for various reasons. Body adjustment, water weight and more. If you just keep going it will eventually drop again. The hardest thing is to not get discouraged and give up. :smile:
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    Yes I had (have) the exact same problem! Soooo frustrating until I began to see a pattern, kinda stay the same for like 3 weeks, then drop some, plus lost some inches! So don't give up, I look at it like eventually it's gotta come off if I'm doing all the right stuff and in a way it's good that your body gets used to the new weight so that it's not a shock to your system and I think you have a better chance of keeping it off by losing slowly than if you drop alot all at once...Measure yourself, see how many inches you've lost:) You may be surprised!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Sounds like maybe water retention from all the running you did yesterday, especially if you didn't drink enough. Give it a day or so and drink tons of water, and you should see a dip in the scale. hang in there - it's not the end of the world!
  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43
    I know the feeling! I've been keeping to my 1,200/day for the past month and have been hovering around the same number... sometimes UP the scale! It's frustrating, to say the least. I think, at least for me, the 1,200 was too few calories and I was plateauing. Were you eating your exercise calories this week? That would be my guess. Good luck!
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Oh hunny yes I am. The harder I work the less I am losing. It IS frustrating me but at the same time I can tell I am in better shape. I really want the scale to MOVE. But I know I look and feel better. This has been going on for a couple weeks now. The scale is not the only barometer of fitness so I am trying to be ok with this. It is hard.
  • doodleinmd
    doodleinmd Posts: 16
    Well, first of all Congrats on all the hard work! Very inspiring! I, too, have been busting my hump(9 lbs. lost in a month) eat VERY sensible and working out hard with a min of 40/min a day. I find that if I get on the scale every day that my weight REALLY flucuates and it is S frustrating to see a 2-4 pound difference. I just know that every week since I've starting and weigh in I've seen a loss and that keeps me going. Alot of it is water retention and just being a woman what with all the hormones. Keep up the GREAT work and I'm sure next week you'll see the scale go down!

  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43
    I know the feeling! I've been keeping to my 1,200/day for the past month and have been hovering around the same number... sometimes UP the scale! It's frustrating, to say the least. I think, at least for me, the 1,200 was too few calories and I was plateauing. Were you eating your exercise calories this week? That would be my guess. Good luck!
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    Are you sticking to the same amount of calories? or does your body maybe need more on those days where you are doing that amount of excercise? Maybe it has one into starvation mode?
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    I feel ya. I only saw a 0.6lb drop in the past week. I ate no fast food, mostly whole foods, never exceeded my sodium, drank my water daily, and got in 3 workouts.

    But!... I feel better. I've noticed I feel slimmer, and a bit stronger, a little more flexible, and a slight increase in my energy level.

    This week I'm experimenting and I've upped my calories by 200 from 1200-1400. I think 1200 may be too low for me. I'm aiming for 2lb/week.

    Don't get discouraged, you've made great progress thus far!
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    i am always up a couple of pounds after a long run (10+ miles). You probably have a good amount of water retention going on right now after that run.

    Are you eating your exercise calories back? Are you eating enough to fuel your workouts?

    ETA: also, 4 lbs in 11 weeks is fantastic--that's almost 3 lbs a week. even with no loss this week, you're averaging over 2#/week.

    Also, do you ever give yourself a rest day. Let your body recover--it will help.

  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    Everyone hits a platue now and then. Hang in ther and be strong. Way to go on your success and don't forget that muscle weights more. Are you getting to the point where you are putting on muscle and don't have the weight to loose? You look great in your photo!
  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129

    I AGREE with LisaJuly - I always seem to gain a pound or so the day after heavy exercise, it's only water retention

    I THINK that it my also be increase in muscle size in legs after the real step up in running

    I DISAGREE that hard work doesnt pay off, a far bigger achievement is running a 1/2 marathon than losing a pound or so - that takes weeks and weeks of training and says more about your overall health.

    Don't panic, you're doing amazingly well! Just focus on the race and make sure you dont cut back on the fuel your body is gonna need for the forthcoming training weeks....

    Keep the sunny side up! :flowerforyou:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Sometimes pay off shows up a week or two later.

    Patience, my dear :smile:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Hmm... everything you are all saying is very encouraging and informative. Looking back over my week's calorie report, it is pretty apparent that I became over zealous in my attempt to get rid of a more weight. Once I factored my exercise back in, I averaged between 300-400 calories... yikes!!!

    So, more water; more food; more perspective. Any other suggestions?