Actually comment and like posts......................

I would really like to add some friends to my list that actually comment and like posts. If your committed to this and your a person that actually comments and tries to be encouraging then feel free to add me.

I am revamping my friend list. I don't want to feel like no one ever is there to help motivate or encourage me. I don't always need it but it is nice to feel like I am helping others and that others are watching out for me.


  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    sending a request! I comment on my friends' posts often, and am looking for a few more high quality friends.
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    well, thanks. I really look forward to a more active MFP support system.
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    So many people have viewed this but not many have commented. If your a good support system then please add me. Thanks

    Of course Putting this up on Sunday at 12:00am might not have been the best timing. : )
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    well then................
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I absolutely agree with you whole heartedly, I weill be clearing my friends list in new year as I am thinking people may be too busy. I don't really like the LIKE button either as it tells you nothing except someone read your post well maybe anyway. Feel free to add me I am on everyday and have an open diary as you can see by my wall I am very supportive to me mfp friends
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    I do comment often but I also use the like button sometimes as well. I will send you a request. Thanks.
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    anyone else?
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Sure add me if you would like. I have just come back after a long time away and I prefer quality friends of a huge number of people who I don't know or who don't really interact. Also I have a huge amount of weight to lose and then some fitness goals to achieve after that so I will be around for quite some time.
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    Ok, if your actively participating I will keep you around. Friend request sent.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    i sent you a request....
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I'm wondering, do you give people something to comment on? My personal approach is this: i don't comment on exercise or if people log their food. I only comment on diary comments that people actually write. Doesn't matter whether its positive or negative but its only those comments that i respond to. I couldn't care less what exercise someone logs in their diary. And its quite a lot of effort to check out my friends diaries so i only look at them if there seems to be a reason for it.

    so yeah, do you write posts or just expect people to look at your diary every day and/or respond to your exercise log? I'm thinking that perhaps other people could be like this too.

    On the other hand, i know that some people don't have time to read through posts on their home page so they rush in to mfp log their food and then rush off to bed or whatever else they have to do.
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    edited November 2014
    I don't use this site as Facebook if that is what you mean but I do say things from time to time. I don't, as you put it, expect anything from anyone. We are all different and we all have lives. I am just trying to add more support on here to help me with accountability. I was feeling like I could log that I ate an entire cake, 3 candy bars, a gallon of ice cream and 4 slices of Cheesecake and all anyone would say is.......good job, or nice day. If anyone said anything at all. If that helps to explain my reasoning for this thread. Have a good day and thank you for your response.
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    Anyone can add me. I log everyday and like/comment.
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    I will add you
  • michelenelson3538
    michelenelson3538 Posts: 14 Member
    I just opened my account and would love for you to add me, I need to surround myself with people who will encourage me instead of telling me that I'm wasting my time :(
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    awesomejdad - I log in daily, and comment on my friends' statuses, although this time of year I tend to be much more brief (although I do have verbose days LOL). Feel free to add me, if you'd like. I also don't use the site as a Facebook type of thing - well, not a lot! I will admit to posting the fitness-y stuff here on my newsfeed that I know my FB friends don't appreciate but I do try to contain myself ;)
  • kareneastwood865
    kareneastwood865 Posts: 132 Member
    I know what you mean! Support is important. Even a like is a little cheerleading. Good luck! You can add me too!
  • MrsBrown104
    MrsBrown104 Posts: 88 Member
    Always looking for new friends who comment and like! Anyone can feel free to add me =)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I don't use this site as Facebook if that is what you mean but I do say things from time to time. I don't, as you put it, expect anything from anyone. We are all different and we all have lives. I am just trying to add more support on here to help me with accountability. I was feeling like I could log that I ate an entire cake, 3 candy bars, a gallon of ice cream and 4 slices of Cheesecake and all anyone would say is.......good job, or nice day. If anyone said anything at all. If that helps to explain my reasoning for this thread. Have a good day and thank you for your response.

    That sounds like a damn good day to me. We probably wouldn't be good friends. :p
  • KatieKansan
    KatieKansan Posts: 61 Member
    You can add me if youd like!! I log on a daily basis and love to have supportive mfp friends!!