Free gym Membership......Where do I start?

Starting June 1, my employer has teamed with a local gym for all of us employees to have a free basic membership to a local gym, the basic membership includes access to all gym equipment. (For a small fee we can upgrade to a membership that offers a few more options). I used to have a gym membership about two years ago and I only really took advantage of the treadmill, elliptical and recumbent bike.

Does anyone have any advice on a good gym routine as far as the machines and weights etc... ? Recommendations for gym "beginners"?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Check out a basic strength program and hit the free weights! New Rules of Lifting (and NRoL for Women) is a good place to start. A lot of people here recommend Starting Strength and Strong Lifts as well. On the forum there is a really good, basic beginner program posted called "All Pro's Beginner Routine". Look at videos on for good form. Learn the basic lifts like deadlifts, bench, squats, over head press and bent over rows. If the extra fee gets you a trainer, do it. Ask them to shw you the big lifts and check your form. Find a class you love or some cardio you like. Start small/slow, then work your way to something more intense.