FYI Numbers we should know

lee134 Posts: 280 Member

Going into the Holidays, here are some numbers you should be aware of:

The amount of calories an average woman needs each day.

The amount of calories an average man needs each day.

The estimated amount of calories in a typical Holiday meal, including turkey, side dishes, and dessert

5,000 to 6,000
The estimated amount of calories people consume throughout Thanksgiving/Christmas Day - roughly TRIPLE the recommended daily intake.

The amount of calories needed for the body to create one extra pound of fat.

So Americans eat *3 TIMES* the amount of calories they need in a single day. Put another way, we eat enough extra calorie's to add extra 1-2 pounds of *FAT* in less than 24 hours.


  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Add me! I'm happy to help you escape the 3-7 pounds typically gained during the holiday season!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    What's an "average" woman? If you are younger, you can have more calories. I lift weights so even though I am older, I can eat around 2000 and not gain at all...I guess if you don't exercise and are over 40 this might apply? I think everybody should just do their TDEE calculation, try it out and then see if they need to adjust up or down.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    ...'Americans'? So the rest of us aren't allowed to have Christmas? We don't have thanksgiving but please don't take my Christmas turkey and Doctor Who Christmas special from me! ;) I kid, I kid. I guess this is useful to remember when considering what to eat for the rest of the day, before and after Christmas dinner. It's probably best to not eat much other than the Christmas dinner. But I know I'll not follow that advice because Christmas only comes once a year and one day of 6,000 calories is not going to kill me and I'll be back on track a week later (gotta take boxing day into account, after all). I'm just going to enjoy myself but thanks for posting this for those who might find it useful advice for limiting themselves over the holidays.