New-ish...And needing support!

Lbean22 Posts: 32
edited December 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hey y'all! I'm back...again. I need some serious support! I've always failed before but I HAVE to succeed now! I need active friends to help push I seriously lack in will!!! I have until May (maybe March) tlose 30+ lbs. I eat horribly, have a serious soda addiction, eat far too much bread and pasta....and fast food is far too convenient when I'm running from home, to my boys' hockey practices/games, and every errand in between. I also have a serious problem with eating before noon. Actually most days I'm fine till the afternoon/evening which then leads to binging on whatever junk food or fast food is available. I am a definite hot mess!! What the heck happened to me? I used to be in killer shape.... ran cross country, did triathlons, played competitive softball, etc. Now I'm lucky to run 30 seconds straight.
I just landed an internship a for an emergency response team and it is VERY physical. This is an AMAZING opportunity and could turn into a permanent position. I don't want to justbe able to do my job..... but KILL it!!!
Please send me a friend request!


  • jazzygirl102004
    jazzygirl102004 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I totally am with you girl! I don't eat bad but I don't do anything physical anymore. I have no motivation. Maybe we can motivate each other? :)
  • derio
    derio Posts: 4 Member
    What really helped me is taking the "will" out of the equation. I replaced it with habits. What I mean is that I started building healthy habits, really really slowly. I found James Clear's posts ( really useful.
    What also helped me was thinking my daily schedule and building out of it a routine I could more or less automatically follow. I track my calories with MyFitnessPal (eating fast food makes it easy as one can easily find it on the database) and weight each day. After a while I could see what worked and could adjust my caloric intake so that I consistently lose weight. To maintain muscle (and thus keep my caloric intake high), I also track my workouts with Pact. Pact made it possible for me to average 5 visits to the gym per week over two years, something I have never achieved before!
  • @derio
    What is pact? And thank you! I'm looking the link you gave me now!! I think small steps will be my friend.
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    Mmmmm carbs... I'm there with you!!! I'm trying to eat better now that I have this brand new baby. I want to be able to be active for him. Feel free to add me :)
  • derio
    derio Posts: 4 Member
    Pact is an app that incentivises your resolutions: Some people hate it. For me, it was love at first sight.

    Pact makes a game out of your fitness goals. Winning the game means you stayed true to your goal for one week. Losing means more than losing your self-respect and crying over ice-cream about what a weak person you've been. It means losing hard-earned cash. And that piles up quickly.

    So, if you play, you'd better not lose.
  • anna_jewel
    anna_jewel Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. The more support the better :)