

  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Well, it has been a tough weekend for me. I aggravated my always iffy back (degenerative discs that easily become herniated) and am just a step above bed rest. As such, my focus has changed to be very specific to my own issues so that I don't backslide because of this limitation.

    1) not binging our of boredom, not resorting to junk and fast food just because I can't stand very long in the kitchen (In the past, I have eaten almost exclusively drive thru and delivery when this gets really bad)
    2) exercise = physical therapy. I took off the Jawbone UP so that I am not trying to move more to meet those goals, as it is counterproductive right now.
    3) research on fasting for healing. I had already been doing some research and considering exploring water fasts next year, but if there is any chance that it can help my back heal faster so that I can get into a routine again, I think it is worth exploring now.

    So, I guess that can lead into another daily reflection:

    15 December 2015

    What is your biggest challenge in weight loss and maintenance? How do you face that challenge?