please help me! my weight hasn't moved all month I've tried everything lowering my calories, raising them, more exercise, stop counting, nothing is working! Please please help me!


  • eddied91
    eddied91 Posts: 33 Member
    You're not logging your calories (on mfp anyway) thats most probs why
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    Maybe you're getting close to your most healthy weight. Things always slow down as you get close to goal.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    edited December 2014
    How tall are you and what are your current and goal weights?

    What daily calorie did MFP allocate you? What is your incidental activity like? What exercise are you doing?

    It's hard to assist with food diary because your food diary is incomplete. But looking at what was there, a lot of it looks highly processed, perhaps you need to go back to some basics.

    When you do count calories...make sure you plan meals and snacks in advance, get plenty of veg, fruit, dairy, lean protein and don't forget healthy fats. Go for the healthier carbs and do weigh and measure everything. Eyeballing generally ends up in underestimations.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Your logging is very poor from my quick skim, several days not logged and then many more where you have made a half hearted attempt or eaten an insufficient amount of food that would either indicate an eating disorder ot someone trying to starve themselves. 500 calories a day is not enough and is unhealthy for you.

    Whats your height, current weight and target weight?
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    You're only eating 500 calories daily. Your body is starving!!

    Are you sure you're 18? You need to talk to a health professional about ED.
  • hidee14
    hidee14 Posts: 110 Member
    weight 157 goal 120

    height 5,4

    I like hula hooping as an exercise i do it for no less than 20 minutes

    I stopped logging my food because I thought a break would help
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Ive gone back 2 months and your logging through that period is very poor.
    Your maintenance calories I had at c1811.
    Ideally you should think about losing .5-1lb a week, which can ive you a calorie target of 1556 or 1356 excluding any eatbacks you earn from exercise.

    You cant have been logging all your food. Focus on learning to log properly and creating a deficit for a number of weeks/ months. If you cant keep that up you will never know if you are in a position to gain or lose weight.

    You should also get advice on the diet because if the food you logged is prepesentative of your general diet then its hardly going to be nutritious or prevent you from being hungry.
    Fruit, veg, lean proteins.

    Go and have a look on sparkteens.