
tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

My question is, for those who run.

How long have you been running?

How many days a week do you run?

How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

    My question is, for those who run.

    1 - How long have you been running?

    2- How many days a week do you run?

    3 - How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    4 - Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?


    1) seriously for about 3 years now, but it took me a solid year or so to really get into it, so 4-5 years total.

    2) depends on the week. Sometimes 4-5 times, sometimes not at all.

    3) depends on the workout... speed/interval work is usually 20-30 minutes, 2ish miles... longer runs are 1.5-2 hours, 8-12 miles.

    4) depends on how much I'm running, but generally yes (lifting). I also do a lot of cycling (I'm a triathlete), so those workouts come into play too. I try to do some stretching/mobility work periodically, but I don't do it nearly as often as I should.

  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    My question is, for those who run.

    How long have you been running?
    Almost 10 years.
    How many days a week do you run?
    6 or 7, depending in the phase of training. Sometimes up to 10 runs per week.
    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    An hour (6 miles) is about the shortest I will run, unless it's a double, then the second run may be 4 or 5 miles. When not marathon training, my long run goes up to about 16 miles, but is usually in the 12 to14 mile range. My base mileage is around 50 to 55 miles per week (around 8 total hours). Marathon training peaks in the low 70 mile per week range.
    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    No way on the lifting. My coach doesn't recommend it. I try to hit Yoga once or twice per week.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

    My question is, for those who run.

    How long have you been running?

    How many days a week do you run?

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?


    I've been running pretty much since high school (I'm 46), but I've gotten really serious over the past 3 years, during which time I have run 8 marathons.

    I run 6 or 7 days a week.

    Mileage depends on what I am training for -- this week I am shooting for 70 miles, which is just about the most I ever run in a week. Most days I run 6 to 10 miles, and I do a long run (up to 22 miles) on Sundays.

    I just started doing weight training with run-specific exercises plus some upper-body exercise. I'm not sure I'd call it "heavy lifting" as my upper body is not very strong!

    Congratulations on your c25k! Keep on running. Make sure to build distance gradually! It took me a year and a half to train for my first marathon.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    How long have you been running? Less than 2 years. I started after ICU. It took a year to do C25K, and another year to run a 1/2 marathon.

    How many days a week do you run? 5-6

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run? I run 2/30 minute runs (3 miles/5K), 2/1 hour runs (6 miles/10K), 1/90 minute run (9 miles/15K) and the other one can be as much as 2 hours (12-13 miles).

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting? I do body weight exercises. lunges, squats, planks, crunches, and push ups.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    How long have you been running? I have been running for about 14 months

    How many days a week do you run? Usually 3. When training for my first half, it was usually 4 days a week

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run? Currently, 3 to 6 miles per run. Used to be two 3.5 to 4.5 mile runs plus one long run up to 11 miles on weekends.

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting? I workout 5 to 6 times a week. 2 to 3 of those are running. I also do strength training twice a week and bike and walk.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    How long have you been running? Tried in 2011, it didn't take. Been running regularly since spring of 2012.

    How many days a week do you run? 4-5

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run? Generrally 3-5 miles during the week, 25-50 minutes. Long run on the weekend between 7-13 miles, 1 to 2 1/2 hours.

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting? I add some yoga and stretching with the foam roller when I'm tight and I do body weight strength workouts 4 times a week, I'm using You Are Your Own Gym.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I usually run about 5 days/week. 2-3 of those days is at the gym, where I also do other forms of cardio like the Arc Trainer or Elliptical... then weight training for about 30min.

    The other 2-3 days I run only - usually 1-3 miles around my neighborhood which has LOTS of hills depending on how I feel that day (and how my knees feel - I inherited bad knees)

    I've only been running a few months.
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

    My question is, for those who run.

    How long have you been running?

    How many days a week do you run?

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?


    1. I finished C25K back in March, so since then

    2. I run 3 days a week, walk 1 additional day.

    3. I run for 40-45 minutes a session currently, or right at 4 miles.

    4. I stretch after every session, but I try to add in body weight exercises through the week.
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    Got hooked on running back in 10th grade and I've been running for 16 years now.

    I run anywhere from 2-5 days a week, usually on trails.

    Distance is whatever I feel like, unless I am training for something. It will be anywhere from 3-8 miles on weekdays, or 5-14 miles on Saturdays. If I'm training for a marathon it will be longer, of course.

    I do a lot of other things during the week. I love zumba, step aerobics, yoga, and kickboxing. I do not love strength training but I do it a couple of times a week because it is good for me.
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    How long have you been running?

    I really got into running in January 2008 and I haven't looked back since!
    How many days a week do you run?

    Depends but anywhere from 3 - 5. I've started doing triathlons as well so its hard to get all 5 runs in sometimes.
    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    I like my short runs to be 4 - 6 miles during the week and then my long runs on the weekend 8 - 11 miles. Keeps me ready to run a half whenever I want and easy to ratchet that up for marathon training.
    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?

    I've never been good at doing gym workouts. I've got some personal trainer sessions waiting for me at LA Fitness but I need to find time to do it. Since I'm doing triathlons I generally run in the morning and then swim or bike in the afternoon which I think helps with a more complete body workout.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    How long have you been running?
    3 years

    How many days a week do you run?
    2 -3 days (I used to do 4 - 5 days running till I started lifting)

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    shortest is 3 miles longest is 12 miles.

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    I started stronglifts 3x5 earlier this year. Its been very hard to keep up the running wile learning to lift. The lifting has dramatically improved my running though! Google posterior chain.
    The main issue I have is with Squats and running. Squats rock, simple as that. if I do squats I have trouble with shin splints on my runs. If I run, I have trouble getting low enough on my squats. Just had to run and lift enough to figure all that out.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I used to run but had not in a few years before this year. Started C25K in January, finished in early April and then kinda went crazy...

    I usually run 3 days a week. I run 4 or 5 miles twice a week and 7 miles or more once a week. I currently run 10-11 minute miles, so 40-80 minutes is the norm. I am planning to step this up to running 7 miles twice a week and 10 miles once a week.

    I tone my upper body with dumb bells.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

    My question is, for those who run.

    How long have you been running?

    How many days a week do you run?

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?


    1 - I have been running for almost 10 years, picked up freshman year of college. But I have been running seriously and heavily for 4 years now.

    2 - When I train I run 4-5 days a week, when I don't its around 3-4 but all depends on my mileage goals.

    3- depending on the day and training schedule, I will run no less than 5 miles up to 20 miles. my average for fun runs are around 6 miles during the week and on the weekends on a lighter schedule I try to hit a long run of 8-12 miles. This can range anywhere from 40 minutes to 2 hours

    4 - It is IMPORTANT to cross train. I like swimming and spinning. I learned the hard way, just how important it is to cross-train when I got injured. Also make sure you are doing one leg strength workout a week with some focus on lateral movement muscles ( think muscles that run alongside the leg), one core workout - its more important than you think and add a day of yoga - its great stretching for runners.If you haven't figured it out yet, running is a full-time job but you need to take at least 1 - 2 days to rest and rejuvenate. Also, make sure you are properly fueling for your runs. No high-fat, high-grain, high-protein, high -sugar before longer runs and recover with protein and electrolytes 30 minutes post run. When you start getting into higher mileage you should have some type of electrolyte replenishment every 6 miles and if you run in really hot weather, make sure to use a salt tab.

    Hope that helps!
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

    Great for you on discovering a new exercise :heart: !
    My question is, for those who run.

    How long have you been running?

    This time around I started back to running just liesurely about a year ago. More seriously, and with races, about 4 months ago.
    How many days a week do you run?

    4-5 days, includes race days, with my crazy work schedule it's all I can manage:grumble:
    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    depends on the upcoming race, currently running mostly 10k's so 15-20miles + race days=21-26 miles total weekly, that will be going up though as I am running my first half marathon in November:drinker:
    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?

    Absolutely! Can peek at my exercise diary if you like, it is open. Mondays-Thursdays are my weightlifting days, Love making fat :cry: any way I can!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    -How long have you been running?
    On and off for 13 years

    -How many days a week do you run?
    3-4 days

    -How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    I don't lace up for anything less than 30 min, but will do long runs every other week for >2hrs. I'm on deck for a half marathon this Sunday, then after that, training for the Marine Corps Marathon, so my running schedule will ramp up.

    -Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    I do an ab/core workout every other day, lots of cycling on my non-run days (wannabe triathlete), weights once per week, and resistance bands at home. Weighted squats and hitting the bike for 20+mile rides really helps improve my run.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

    My question is, for those who run.

    How long have you been running?

    How many days a week do you run?

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?


    How long have you been running? mmm.... 1.5 years (give or take a month)

    How many days a week do you run? depends. anywhere between 3-5 days

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run? depends - during the week i run 40-45 minutes (maybe 50 - if my boss is not in the office. i run during my lunch hour. right now on the weekends i'm running almost 2 hours (half marathon on saturday this is why)

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting? 1-2 days a week i do strength training
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

    My question is, for those who run.

    How long have you been running?

    How many days a week do you run?

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?


    I've been running for 1.5 years...started running when I signed up for my first half marathon, have ran 3 since then and another scheduled in a month.

    I run 4 days a week

    during the week I run 4-8 miles and then one long run on the weekends, right now that is at 10-12 miles

    I cross train 2 days a week, that differs from week to week. I typcially get on an eliptical, but I try to mix in some weights also. I know lifting weights helped my shins tremendously early I want to keep that up. But I usually only get in 1 weight session every two weeks :grumble: running really is a full time job, so making time for other exercise is difficult, when I have a real full time job and a 6 year old!
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    How long have you been running? ~1 year (my first 5K was last July - I have since done a Half Marathon and a 25K)

    How many days a week do you run? 5-6 days/week

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run? Depends on the day, this is my typical schedule when i don't have any races coming up:
    Monday - 3 easy miles or Rest
    Tuesday - 6-8 Miles
    Wednesday - Speedwork (approx. an hour of different speed drills at the track, usually ends up being about 6 miles total)
    Thursday - 6-8 Miles
    Friday - 3 easy miles or Rest
    Saturday - Long Run (10-15 Miles)
    Sunday - whatever I feel like
    (On my "easy" miles M&F I typically bring my dog, so it's kind of a run/walk type of thing.)

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    Back when I had a gym, I would go to spin class on M&F, but right now I'm between gyms, so I've been doing Jillian Michaels DVD's a few days a week, and sometimes I ride my bike around a bit. I've read you don't really need "heavy" lifting, but a little strength training is good. Also, crosstraining (such as biking, elliptical, or swimming) is really good for you too!
  • bettepower
    bettepower Posts: 73 Member

    How long have you been running?
    I will be on w6d1 tomorrow!
    How many days a week do you run?
    I have been running 7 days per week since the beginning of the program. On the off days I do free runs with Nike+ just to stay motivated and disciplined.
    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    I am up to 2 1/2 miles now (big deal for me!)
    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    I do 30 day shred and am looking into a weigh lighting lesson at the Y for heavy lifting.


    Good luck! Can't wait to hear how you progress. :heart:
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Been running consistently for the last 11 years now (26 marathons & 40 halfs).

    I usually run 6-7 days a week.

    I usually run 5 - 8 miles in the morning before work. Saturdays I usually run 14 - 16 (longer if I'm training for a marathon). Sundays I'll do a 7 - 10 mile easy recovery run. Rest days a needed. Once the kids are out of school, I tend to run a few extra miles.

    I lift a a couple time a week and/or go to TRX class.
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    congrats on finding your love of running. look for a running club near you, you will meet a lot of other running nuts like yourself.

    for me...
    How long have you been running?
    ran track in hs so if you start from there, 22 years

    How many days a week do you run?
    usually 4

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    25-35 miles a week most of the year,

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    i dont like lifting but biking and yoga help my running sooo much. ideally, at least once a week i will swim and bike and i want to get in some pilates stuff but i havent been able to find a good gym near me where i can swim and do classes so that is just a goal for now
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    So I am fairly new to running. I started the c25k and love it and found I have a serious love for running. I enjoy it so much. I am finding three days a week isn't enough. I am currently doing 5 days a week because I like it so much. I don't push myself super hard or overdo it. I just enjoy my runs on trails/parks etc.

    My question is, for those who run.

    How long have you been running?

    How many days a week do you run?

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?


    Just like you, c25k got me addicted to running.

    I have been running a year ( I ran my first marathon a year to the day I started c25k!)

    I was running around 35-40 miles a week, but was getting injured from simply over training.

    Specific runs, I followed a marathon training program, but I usually run a 10k run 2 times a week and a 5k distance when not in training, and a slightly ' long ' run of up to 13 miles. Of course, this all changes when following a training programme.

    Don't overdo it, listen to your body rather than run a goal of miles and rest when needed. stretch a LOT after each run to stave off injuries.

    I should have added some cross training on non-running days and even some light weights to build my quads and glutes, but I didn't...

    next time around when i train, I'll work in a lot more cross training and weights too.

    It's great that you enjoy your runs..5 days a week suits you and I don't believe theres a right or wrong amount of days to run in a week, or even pace...just listen to your body.

    Good luck!
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Great that you're having fun with your running; as addictions go, its one of the best ones one could ever have!

    How long have you been running?
    <About 7 months now>

    How many days a week do you run?
    <On average four times a week; but it does vary. I've just run seven days in a row (unusual); and now I'll take a few days off>

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    <An average of 20-30 miles a week>

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    <I have an exercise bike; that gets plenty of use. Plus, I do other light work like press-ups/squats/situps too>
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member

    How long have you been running?
    A few years. Did a couple of 10ks last year, and am doing my first half marathon in less than 3 weeks!

    How many days a week do you run?
    Training for the half, 4 times a week. Long run on Sundays (6-10 miles), speed run on Saturdays (Parkrun 5k), and 2 other 30-40 minute runs during the week.

    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    Varies, see previous answer. 10 miles or 2 hours is loooooong.

    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    Scottish dancing at least once a week, and 2 sets of 20 each squats and push ups every day.
  • actlc
    actlc Posts: 84
    - How long have you been running?
    Almost 5 months. I will start calling myself a runner when I have committed to running for 6 months. :)

    - How many days a week do you run?
    6 days a week. rest day after long run.

    - How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    about 1 hr. (5/6 miles), for long run 1.5 hr - 2 hr (7.5 - 11 miles)

    - Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    I do only some light work: push up, chin up, crunches & etc.
  • How long have you been running?
    12 years, on and off. There have been injuries along the way which have sidelined me anywhere from 3 months to 1 year at a time.
    How many days a week do you run?
    How many miles/how long(one hour, etc) do you run?
    About 45 min - 1 hour (4.5 - 6 miles), always on a nice trail.
    Do you try to add in other things during the week like heavy lifting?
    Running is my exercise of choice, but I get in the gym 2-3 days per week for low-impact cardio and weights. It's just so hard to be stuck in a gym on a gorgeous summer evening after sitting on my *kitten* in an office all day.

    Note: From referencing my injury-punctuated running career I feel like I'm giving it a bad rap. In hindsight, I've followed some really stupid training programs and pretty much deserved everything I got**. I did manage to complete a couple marathons and several half marathon (my favorite distance!). I set a PR in the 10k during a time when I wasn't running, but was just really fit from other stuff.

    **The one exception to this: I'm finally accepting that I have terrible physiology for running (even for walking) and was fitted this spring with custom orthotic inserts. These have made an enormous amount of difference in my well-being!