Ouch! Stomach..eat when not hungry?

Terrible stomach ache this morning! Not sure why exactly. So here's my question....my stomach ache is ruining my appetite, should I eat anyway altho I am not hungry? Stomach ache or not...do you eat even when your not hungry to meet your calorie goal?


  • Kushy8
    Kushy8 Posts: 103 Member
    Could you stomach something mild like chicken soup?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I think you have to give yourself a break when you're not feeling well. That said, you also need to make sure you're getting enough nutrients when you're sick. As the above poster said, maybe try to drink some tea or weak broth. Or do the BRAT diet (good and gentle for digestive issues) - banana, rice, applesauce (not apple juice) and dry toast (no butter). Try to avoid dairy and foods high in fat or protein as they're harder to digest.

    Hope you feel better soon!