Quest bars?

Christine_1027 Posts: 99
edited December 2014 in Food and Nutrition
so I've heard some pretty good things about Quest bars on this website, and I am wondering if I should give them a try. I am also wondering if I should spend extra bucks buying them--in other words, are they really worth the money--because they are quite pricey at around $3.50 Canadian dollars a bar at GNC. So my questions for those who have tried them:
-what was your experience with eating quest bars? did they make you full easily?
-what is another cheaper place to get them other than GNC?
-which is the tastiest flavor?
-do they usually taste good?
-are they worth the extra bucks?
-would u recommend them to other people?
-how long do they keep you full for?
-anything else u would like to add


  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    GNC often puts them on sale. Buy them buy the box when they go on sale and they're more affordable. I don't like the banana nut or the strawberry cheesecake, but the chocolate peanut butter and the peanut butter supreme are really good. The brownie one is pretty tasty, too. I like their fibre count compared to other bars and they are low net carbs if you keep track of that kind of thing.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    edited December 2014
    You're going to hear wildly different opinions on this one, I'm afraid. For me, personally, I like them and they help with my protein and fiber requirements.

    My favorites are Apple Pie, Chocolate Brownie and the double chunk chocolate one. The Lemon Cream Pie and Banana Nut Muffin is abominable. The rest are just "eh" for me, but again, opinions are going to vary on this one.

    For me, they're worth the extra money - for others, maybe not. It depends on how much you enjoy the taste and if you feel that they're going to fill you up. They do fill me up when I have them - the protein definitely assists with that factor.

    When I can afford them, I usually have one on the days I work out (about 3 or 4 a week). They ARE definitely pricey, no question about it. When there's a sale, I stock up - Quest's website just had a CyberMonday sale and I bought a whole bunch of them. They're usually running about 25 a box normally, though - not really any better than a GNC member price, unfortunately. If you eat these on a regular basis, you quickly learn to grab them when they go on sale, and as many as you can.

    I would recommend them, certainly. I wouldn't eat more than what I've stated, though - the fiber on some of these is pretty high and unless you want to visit a porcelain throne for a good bit of time... :p

    They're GREAT for diabetics. Low carb for the most part, which is why I started eating them.

    Hope this helps.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I love Quest bars. My favorite is the Coconut Cashew; the cookie dough and oreo have an artificial sweetener taste to me (which is odd, because I never notice artificial sweeteners in other foods), so I don't eat them very often. I also like the brownie and chocolate peanut butter flavors.

    I ask for them for Christmas and birthday presents so I don't have spending guilt issues.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok just for the record... there are dozens of threads about these. The search feature is great.

    I buy them when there is a sale at GNC or the Quest website (like yesterday). Favorites are white chocolate raspberry and chocolate chip cookie dough.

    With a cup of tea they fill me up for a couple hours... so for the price, totally worth it IMO, as I can't think of any other $2 snacks that would actually fill me up for so long, especially with that much protein.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    edited December 2014
    ^^ I second the search feature.. but since I'm here.... Amazon offers a 12ct variety box for a pretty decent price. Also GNC and vitamin Shoppe often have the individual bars on sale. As a fair warning if you go into one of these stores and just buy a bar- the sale people get annoyed because they make commission and the "bar sales" hurt their overall total or something like that (My brother works for GNC) so they may treat you like crap if you buy just one bar.

    They usually keep my full in the afternoon until dinner time. I usually get the vanilla almond crunch bars or the cookies and cream.
  • Lazz5k
    Lazz5k Posts: 251 Member
    ive never even heard of these, but im definitely looking into them now..
  • mbcieslak87
    mbcieslak87 Posts: 206 Member
    Agreed - I love them when I am short on protein for the day and I find they are a great afternoon snack to get me through the day, especially if I had a small lunch. I don't eat them everyday, because they are pretty pricey, but as others have said, I haven't found a snack with more protein and fiber for the calories - I currently have a box of the chocolate chunk ones and they are pretty good! Everything else I have found that has similar calories is so tiny that I could eat it in one bite, so I like that they are a little bigger (like 6-8 bites at least). An added bonus is that they are extremely low in sugar(1g I believe), so if you're interested in watching your sugar intake, you can still have these and get that sweet craving taken care of.
  • mbcieslak87
    mbcieslak87 Posts: 206 Member
    However, I do NOT recommend the Quest Chips - my husband and I orderd 1 bag of every flavor - we opened and tried the Sour Cream and Onion - we each had one chips and they taste good for about one second (the sour cream and onion flavoring) and then taste awful and leave a horrible aftertaste in your mouth. We threw the rest of the bag away and have yet to try to other flavors - they're just sitting in our pantry like sad little bags of gross protein. Maybe the other flavors will be better but I'm scared to try!
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    However, I do NOT recommend the Quest Chips - my husband and I orderd 1 bag of every flavor - we opened and tried the Sour Cream and Onion - we each had one chips and they taste good for about one second (the sour cream and onion flavoring) and then taste awful and leave a horrible aftertaste in your mouth. We threw the rest of the bag away and have yet to try to other flavors - they're just sitting in our pantry like sad little bags of gross protein. Maybe the other flavors will be better but I'm scared to try!

    I've heard a couple of people say this. My boyfriend can't stand them. I actually think they are pretty good. We've tried the BBQ chips and the seasalt. I haven't tried the sour cream and onion yet.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    -what was your experience with eating quest bars? I do not like the taste
    -did they make you full easily? No, but there isn't a bar out there that would keep me full
    -what is another cheaper place to get them other than GNC?unsure
    -which is the tastiest flavor?None so far
    -do they usually taste good?Not in my opinion
    -are they worth the extra bucks?The only benefit they have over some of the other bars are the fiber content. If you have a hard time getting enough fiber, they can't hurt.
    -would u recommend them to other people?No
    -how long do they keep you full for?N/A
    -anything else u would like to add - They definitely have great macros and a high fiber count. I prefer Pure Protein bars as I am never short on fiber and like their taste a lot more. Plus, they are about 1/2-1/3 the cost.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I like all the flavors I've tried. They aren't necessarily "healthy" if you are looking for clean, unprocessed foods. But I keep them on hand for the weekends or when I'm traveling and don't get to keep my normal eating routine. There are definitely worse options you could opt for.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited December 2014
    I must be easy to please. I like all the flavors I've tried too. I'm a vegetarian and I like the quick hit of protein for the calories. With having a sluggish thyroid, I also appreciate the amount of fiber they have. I really like the Peanut butter and jelly flavor a lot.
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    edited December 2014
    -what was your experience with eating quest bars? I love all Quest Bar flavors except for the Lemon (smells like Pledge and tastes bitter)

    - did they make you full easily? I usually east a whole bar with an apple and it keeps me full from 5am until around 11 or noon.
    -what is another cheaper place to get them other than GNC? I got them yesterday at Cyber Monday Sale 25% off so I got several boxes. I recommend the first order be from the Quest website because you can do the Sample Pack and try them all.

    -which is the tastiest flavor? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, White Chocolate Raspberry, Cookies and Cream. Waiting on Smores to arrive in mail.

    -do they usually taste good? Yes they do taste good. I prefer to order from Quest Website, they taste fresher than GNC.

    -are they worth the extra bucks? YES YES YES YES YES YES

    -would u recommend them to other people? I have sent them more than a few newbies who are now die hard Questies.

    -how long do they keep you full for? About 6 or 7 hrs. (I drink a ton of water though.)

    You can message them on FB and they will send you two FREE bars of you tell them you want to try them. They let you pick the flavors.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited December 2014
    I REALLY wanted to like these but I had 3 different flavors and thought they were so GROSS. Turns out I'm a Pure Protein girl. *shrug*.
    But so many ppl LOVE quest bars so just grab a few flavors and test them out. All the numbers are there for sure when it comes to nutrition there is NO denying that. The taste just did not agree with my buds
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    -what was your experience with eating quest bars? I do not like the taste
    -did they make you full easily? No, but there isn't a bar out there that would keep me full
    -what is another cheaper place to get them other than GNC?unsure
    -which is the tastiest flavor?None so far
    -do they usually taste good?Not in my opinion
    -are they worth the extra bucks?The only benefit they have over some of the other bars are the fiber content. If you have a hard time getting enough fiber, they can't hurt.
    -would u recommend them to other people?No
    -how long do they keep you full for?N/A
    -anything else u would like to add - They definitely have great macros and a high fiber count. I prefer Pure Protein bars as I am never short on fiber and like their taste a lot more. Plus, they are about 1/2-1/3 the cost.

    This is basically my answer as well.
  • fit_mama30
    fit_mama30 Posts: 178 Member
    I usually buy them online (Vita Cost or other online retailer) because I'm also in Canada and I find they're too expensive at GNC. Try to ship online and you'll save a lot.

    I only like the microwaved, which isn't always convenient so I don't buy them a lot anymore. I did love the raspberry & white chocolate, and also the cookie dough one. These are my fav. Apple pie is pretty good as well. I find them quite filling.

    I prefer Simply Whey/Simply Protein bars because they are yummy and don't have to be microwaved for me to like them.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    I love the PB&J flavor and eat one for breakfast most days of the week.

    I get mine at Vitacost too, because they're cheaper there, and there are often good sales.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    so I've heard some pretty good things about Quest bars on this website, and I am wondering if I should give them a try. I am also wondering if I should spend extra bucks buying them--in other words, are they really worth the money--because they are quite pricey at around $3.50 Canadian dollars a bar at GNC. So my questions for those who have tried them:
    -what was your experience with eating quest bars? did they make you full easily?
    -what is another cheaper place to get them other than GNC?
    -which is the tastiest flavor?
    -do they usually taste good?
    -are they worth the extra bucks?
    -would u recommend them to other people?
    -how long do they keep you full for?
    -anything else u would like to add

    1. A couple of the flavors are okay. They taste a lot like artificial sweetener to me (I hate the taste of Stevia, which I think is what they use). Personally I like the cookies 'n' cream and the cookie dough well enough to have one sometimes, but I much prefer Think Thin bars for flavor. I like that they have a lot of fiber but I believe there's a lawsuit pending about whether they've been lying about that (someone correct me if that's all been settled by now; it was awhile ago that I heard about it).
    2. Sometimes you can get deals on their website or on Amazon but I don't know about shipping to Canada.
    3. Like I said, I prefer the cookies n cream or the cookie dough. The rest have been :sick:
    4. Meh
    5. Depends. For someone like me protein bars are a good choice-- I have trouble eating a lot of meat/eggs. I don't care much for a lot of the cheaper options, so sometimes I spring for Quest.
    6. Yeah, with the caveats listed above
    7. This is one area where they do really well for me-- one will keep me full until lunch time easily.
    8. Don't start off with a whole box. Try a couple of flavors and see if you like them first.
  • jeichelb83
    jeichelb83 Posts: 172 Member
    I love them as well. My favorite flavors are the Double Chocolate Chunk, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Brownie ones (notice a trend?). I like the Cinnamon Roll one too. I wasn't a fan of the Cookies and Cream though.

    Basically, the "look for sales" thing has been said. Yes, I would definitely recommed them. Like an above poster said, where else are you going to find a $2.00 snack that's got the same nutrition AND tastes good?
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I got a mixed box on Amazon. Came out to about $2.50(US) with free shipping. I really like them, but my husband couldn't even finish one! I usually only eat about half a bar at at time and it fills me up and cures my sweet craving. I like banana nut muffin, cookies & cream, but cinnamon roll is my fave so far. Try one before you buy a whole box. The texture is weird, but I like the chew of it.