Weight Fluctuations

Using MFP and changing how and what I eat is a real learning experience for me. SO I am always looking to learn new things in order to aid me in my journey. So can anyone educate me on weight fluctuations while dieting? what causes it? what can I do to counteract it (if anything)? what are the amounts I should and should not worry about in fluctuations? I have been stalled at a fluctuation up and down of about 2-4 lb for about 2 weeks now ( the first week was the week of my period too) I am very good about documenting what I eat and drink I always log it right before or after I eat. I try to be as accurate as I can, breaking meals down as much as I can. I even account for a stick of gum I may have. Any help and advice is appreciated.


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    What you described is normal fluctuation. Sodium levels can increase water retention, so make sure you're drinking a lot of water. Additionally, a new exercise program will cause you to retain while the muscle repairs. Eat in a caloric deficit and you'll lose.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Some things I've learned- sodium causes water retention, as does a lot of high intensity working out (at first). I did the Julian Michaels 30 Day Shred (for about a week) a couple of years ago and I hadn't changed my diet at all and had been losing, but after the first week of the shred I had gained like a pound or two. I didn't know about the water retention in muscles when you first work out hard at that time and it was very discouraging. Also drink lots of water to help keep water retention down, and always expect to retain water around the TOM (and avoid the scale around that time too). Also, don't weigh yourself more than once a week, always first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom at the same time each week. There are people on here who do weigh every day and don't let the fluctuations day to day bother them. I'm not one of them as I would find it very discouraging to see my weight go up a half a pound or a pound in one day. Last, don't just use the scale as a measuring tool. Measure yourself about every 2-3 weeks and take a picture about once a month. You will see progress in all of these ways of measuring (and of course, your clothes will start to fit differently too). Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Sodium, carb level, TOM, bloating and exercise all have effects on water weight fluctuations. If you are plateaued after 4 weeks, I would question your logging practices first (do you use a food scale and do you log every day).

    Potassium and Magnesium and help offset some water weight from sodium but overall, it's a natural occurring thing that can't be mitigated.