Cheat Days



  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    Don't call them "cheat" days or meals. As long as you keep that stigma on certain foods, you'll always be more prone to indulge. I don't have "cheat days". I simply eat what I want, in moderation. For instance, this weekend I know I'm going out to dinner at my favorite restaurant. I know that the meal I want is high in calories. So, I'm planning a light breakfast & lunch to help counteract it, and I'm planning a workout after dinner. I'll also cut my dinner in 1/2 and take the other 1/2 home. If I say "Saturday is my cheat day", I know that mentally I'll cave and won't do as well as if I say "Saturday's dinner is a treat, but I'm going to stay on track regardless."
  • IncredibleShrinkingSandy
    IncredibleShrinkingSandy Posts: 118 Member
    edited December 2014
    I go over calories at least once a week and don't feel bad about it and you shouldn't either. I have been on my weight loss journey since the beginning of September and am down 20 pounds total since then, even with going over about once a week. The important thing is to balance it all out. On the days I am within my calorie range I am under my calories by 200-300 most days. So, I have some calories banked up when I do go over that one day a week, which helps. So, just remember that as long as you are being careful MOST of the time, it won't matter if you have some pizza. I actually was really bad over Thanksgiving weekend; $1.49 bag of chips on Thanksgiving plus, a plate full of food and two small pieces of pie, sushi Friday, Jack In The Box Saturday and, Taco Bell Sunday. I weighed myself on Friday and had gained 2 pounds just from Thanksgiving alone! Today, I weighed in about a half pound lighter than my most recent low. So, don't get discouraged. Remember, once in a while you're allowed and entitled to enjoy a treat. Just make sure it is once in a while.

    Edited to fix typo
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I also hate the word cheat. The key to sustainable weight loss is to avoid deprivation. Learn to eat healthier and make better choices rather than give up the things you love to eat. The things that I have given up are things that I don't want to put in my body, e.g., processed foods. The things I love to eat, I've learned to make them healthier. I love pizza and eat it regularly, but now, I'll spend extra to get it from a pizza place that uses fresh ingredients, has a healthier crust, and will get healthier toppings. Same for desserts. I still enjoy my desserts, just learned to make healthier substitutions that don't sacrifice taste. And two slices is nothing. Before any big event, I have an entire medium pie, and I don't skip other meals to "make rooms" for the extra calories. I love the looks I get from those watching me eat it (wondering where I am putting it).
  • tomjinca
    tomjinca Posts: 23 Member
    Wow 2 pieces of pizza - you should be flogged. Forget about it - it's ONE DAY!