How to stop snacking



  • jim_just_jim
    jim_just_jim Posts: 148 Member
    An apple a day ....
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    edited December 2014
    I totally get why you want to stop snacking. I didn't get fat from eating meals - I got fat from snacking - plain and simple!
    - I now eat only three meals a day without any snacks - been doing this for 10 months but I still want a snack every night when I sit down in front of the TV.
    So here is what I've done... I keep several of my favorite sugarless gum flavors next to my chair and chew gum whenever I want to snack. I also keep a pot of freshly brewed tea in the kitchen and drink Iced Tea with saccharine to sweeten it. Both these things really help! But I've been snacking for 61 years so it's going to be a really hard habit to break.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Maybe do what the others suggested and try the six smaller meals.
    Also eat stuff that keeps you full.
    Exercise can earn you the eatback calories.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    edited December 2014
    I would like to be able to do the same, and found lemurcat12's post above quite valuable. I shall definitely keep an eye on things here for other good tips.

    Right now I am suspecting it shall be like how I gave up sugar for example, where I just cut it back little by little, but with snacking, even when I'm only having something like a single square of chocolate and a dozen almonds between meals, it just seems difficult to make the leap from that to nothing between meals..
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    It's not really mindless snacking if you're actually feeling hungry.
  • LookingBusy
    LookingBusy Posts: 72 Member
    Water and tea really helped me. I found I was snacking at my desk from boredom, not because I was hungry or anything. Now I guzzle my water bottle or make a tea or even bring some apple cider I can heat up to keep me occupied for a little while.
  • jmido
    jmido Posts: 18
    Fruit is extremely healthy and full of nutrients. Also, natural sugar from fruits and whole foods is different from added sugar like what you get in chocolate and it is even processed differently. You eat snacks because you are hungry, if you ignore that hunger, you will probably overeat at some point which is much worse than having some really healthy snacks.

    If you absolutely want to get rid of snacks though, i suggest switching from 3 big meals a day to 5 smaller meals everyday. I wouldnt suggest finding ways to distract your hunger like chewing gum or drinking water. Hunger is a warning signal that your body needs fuel.
  • chouflour
    chouflour Posts: 193 Member
    To avoid sugar, what about:
    hard boiled eggs
    turkey/chicken or ham wrapped in a lettuce leaf
    Pre-portioned cheese (string cheese or cottage cheese might be good choices)
    peanut butter, almond butter or cream cheese in celery sticks
    nuts (pistachios or other whole nuts will slow you down)
    Veggies with dip (hummus, maybe?)
    sunflower seeds
    Plain greek yogurt (this might be an acquired taste)

  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    Coffee, tea, gum.
  • Rockerbabe131
    Rockerbabe131 Posts: 67 Member
    The best thing for me to do, is snack every couple of hours. Smaller "MEALS" and calorie and healthy conscious snacks. I have breakfast, and then eat a 100 calories greek yogurt for a snack in the am, eat lunch, eat a fruit/veggie/healthycalorieconcioussnack in the afternoon, and then eat dinner. Dessert is the same. If its within my calorie count (which It should be, if I've been good the rest of the day) I have a snack right before bed. I'm an abnormal person in the fact that if I don't eat RIGHT before bed, I wake up hungry and end up in the kitchen eating a snack at midnight or 1 in the morning. It keeps your metabolism going to keep eating small meals through out the day. Now, if I'm working out, I count my protein shake and/or bar into my calorie counts for snacks. I can't do shakes as meal replacements...I get too hungry.

    Someone wrote they chew gum to keep from snacking, and that's a clever way as well, to keep your mouth busy (I'm a Pure Romance Consultant, so that last line has my chuckling). I also chew gum if I'm COOKING! I read that Pamela Anderson did that in the kitchen and though: Huh, Im going to try that. ...and Voila! :) It keeps me from popping food in my mouth as I'm that I wouldn't register I was eating.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Been a while since I posted to this thread, and just reviving it now too :smile:

    In any event, I just wanted to note I've managed to eliminate snacking entirely this last 10 days, something I thought I would never do (I used to be a constant grazer between meals). In any case, for those interested in eliminating snacking, I found IF to be the answer, where for me it means I just eat between 12- 8pm each day, and in the form of 2 quite large meals. Doesn't sound like rocket science I know, but I've just found it works, at least for me.

    Nothing wrong with snacking, but I am very much enjoying the freedom from the 'need' to eat :smile:
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    I basically know what I am going to eat every day, and then I eat that food when I get hungry. So I start the day with a tableful of food, then eat that food when I get hungry.

    I'm never snacking, I'm just starting or finishing a meal.