Ideas for Non-Edible Rewards



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I tell my children to get me a potted flowering plant.

    For reaching below 200 lbs, I organized a "one-derland" party at our local trampoline park. I asked myself what would be most meaningful, and getting my mobility back certainly does it for me.


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Felt great completing my first 10km.
    Felt even better going on a cruise when I reached my goal and:
    wearing a bikini,
    rappelling down a waterfall,
    trecking through a forest on horse back,
    hiking up a mountain to a waterfall,
    zip lining,
    Looking sleek in an evening dress

    Would not have done any of the above if I hadn't lost some weight and exercised.

    Put some money away for every pound you lose, or goal you reach and go on a holiday.
    Cheers, h.
  • drabbits3
    drabbits3 Posts: 140 Member
    shoes or Sephora. I am not that high maintenance of a girl, but I do love my shoes...and lotions, body washes, mascara--I must have 6 different brands. Truth be told, none of them are that different, but I love them!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    edited December 2014
    I added color highlights (purple and turquoise) to my hair.
    I went for laser treatments and Botox.
    I bought new clothes (size 4!)
    I started a new workout class.
    I got my group fitness instructor certification. (and bought a new sweater to celebrate)
    I joined an online dating service (wait, I'm not sure that's such a great thing).
    I bought a bike.

    I don't have any money for extra food.
  • Silverdracos
    Silverdracos Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks Guys! It's great to get some ideas. I just wish I could "like" posts, ya know?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    yeah me too
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Thanks Guys! It's great to get some ideas. I just wish I could "like" posts, ya know?

    Yeah. Too Facebook oriented, I guess.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I waited until I actually reached my target. Then I went out got gym membership for myself, workout gear and a Garmin Vivofit + HRM.
  • jdim1093
    jdim1093 Posts: 418 Member
    All of these ideas require money or time ABOVE and BEYOND what we're already spending to lose the weight. A donut = $0.69 and no extra time. A Manicure is what, $20? (I'm a dude, so I dunno :blush: ) Probably 30 minutes to an hour when you consider drive, manicure, pay, drive. If I have an extra 30 minutes in my day, I'm going for a run or doing chores around the house. I have such a backlog of things I SHOULD do, that rewarding myself with OPTIONAL things makes me feel more guilty than rewarded...which leads to guilt-eating. So, right back to square one.

    I guess, for me, it is back to the drawing board for more brainstorming. There's GOTTA be a way.

    No one commented on my suggestion of "take away some things that maybe I don't deserve until I earn them" Has anyone tried that? Anyone ever do the whole "no TV until treadmill"?
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I love all the ideas in this thread! For me, when I set up rewards, I try to keep them cheap when smaller goals are reached. So I go to the thrift shop (my favorite thing in the whole world) and buy something under $10. I buy a nail polish or really nice shampoo at the drug store. For bigger goals, it's clothes and lingerie, splurge at Sephora, massage, and I hope to get a new tattoo when all the weight is lost. I think rewards are important, just little ways to honor how hard you've worked.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    whatever happened to being satisfied that you reached said goal….?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    ems212 wrote: »
    My first reward is new shoes. My rewards after that are monetary. I really want another tattoo, so every time I reach a goal, I put money towards the new tattoo :)

    That's a neat idea! Could be applied to anything. Like a bike. I want a bike.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited December 2014
    jdim1093 wrote: »
    All of these ideas require money or time ABOVE and BEYOND what we're already spending to lose the weight. A donut = $0.69 and no extra time. A Manicure is what, $20? (I'm a dude, so I dunno :blush: ) Probably 30 minutes to an hour when you consider drive, manicure, pay, drive. If I have an extra 30 minutes in my day, I'm going for a run or doing chores around the house. I have such a backlog of things I SHOULD do, that rewarding myself with OPTIONAL things makes me feel more guilty than rewarded...which leads to guilt-eating. So, right back to square one.

    I guess, for me, it is back to the drawing board for more brainstorming. There's GOTTA be a way.

    No one commented on my suggestion of "take away some things that maybe I don't deserve until I earn them" Has anyone tried that? Anyone ever do the whole "no TV until treadmill"?

    Hahah 75% of the POINT of a manicure is the time it takes.

    The only problem with taking something away is it's less reward, more punishment, which can work but isn't for everyone. But, I do that myself. I hold off on buying things I have needed or wanted for a while until I deserve it haha. It's nice to do something bigger for reaching the bigger milestones though.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    • Clothes
    • Fun Activities through Groupon or Living Social--I especially like this one for activities that I couldn't do before due to being so out of shape (like surfing lessons or rock climbing)
    • 5k's or fun runs
    • New running shoes
    • Charms for a charm bracelet -- I've heard a few people doing this and making the charms meaningful for whatever part of the journey you're at (like something weddingish for hitting the weight you were at your wedding, or a graduation cap for your high school weight, etc)
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    New clothes. I feel really positive as I see my wardrobe being replaced with new, smaller-sized clothes; many of my frumpy, loose clothes are now gone, and in their place I have some nice things that fit me properly. I can see a difference in my weight when I look at my new wardrobe, more so than when I look at myself in the mirror and inevitably doubt how well I've been doing.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    jdim1093 wrote: »
    All of these ideas require money or time ABOVE and BEYOND what we're already spending to lose the weight. A donut = $0.69 and no extra time. A Manicure is what, $20? (I'm a dude, so I dunno :blush: ) Probably 30 minutes to an hour when you consider drive, manicure, pay, drive. If I have an extra 30 minutes in my day, I'm going for a run or doing chores around the house. I have such a backlog of things I SHOULD do, that rewarding myself with OPTIONAL things makes me feel more guilty than rewarded...which leads to guilt-eating. So, right back to square one.

    I guess, for me, it is back to the drawing board for more brainstorming. There's GOTTA be a way.

    No one commented on my suggestion of "take away some things that maybe I don't deserve until I earn them" Has anyone tried that? Anyone ever do the whole "no TV until treadmill"?

    Maybe it's because you're a guy that you don't get it.

    The idea is to feel pampered and rewarded, not to save time and money.

    I do get that some people would do well with the punishment/reward cycle, but that wouldn't work for everyone. Just like rewards at milestones doesn't work for everyone.

    I lean more towards "watch TV on treadmill" instead of "no TV until treadmill". For instance, I listen to audiobooks when I run. I'm not "allowed" to listen to them unless I'm running, so if it's a suspenseful part, I'm very motivated to go run so I can find out what happens next.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    edited December 2014
    jdim1093 wrote: »
    All of these ideas require....

    jdim1093 wrote: »
    No one commented on my suggestion of "take away some things that maybe I don't deserve until I earn them" Has anyone tried that? Anyone ever do the whole "no TV until treadmill"?

    eh most people post and don't read the other answers.

    Ive never been a -take things away untuil I deserve them- kind of person - because the only kinds of things you'd take away are things that take up time that you could spend working out so you should be shifting them Anyway.

    So it's not depriving myself of reading or something, it's just going to the gym instead. I can work some reading time in before bed or something, instead of spending the morning or afternoon on the couch.

    because i'm focusing on a new lifestyle, I try not to use lazy/unhealthy/fattening things (like couch potato time) to reward me for doing the right things.

    I see it all as an epic video game.

    I slowly but surely level up my game. My weapons, my healing, my strength, my speed, my magic - in other words - my equipment, my care and maintenance of my body, my weight progress, my cardio, my drive.

    3 years ago I decided I would lift a weight.

    Now Im on like... my 20th cycle of 5/3/1 - or 18th or something. I'd never done a race - now I have a 2x Tough Mudder Headband. and a Spartan medal! I don't require a lot of debating and arguing with myself because this is the life Im building for myself, why would I fight it? I have millions of reasons why I should, but the reason I do is because I chose to.

    So the rewards I give myself are always things or experiences or time that will give me an advantage to keep moving forward and keep making this my new normal. And it worked.

  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    How about a charm bracelet, like pandora, or links or nominations or if you are really flush a tiffany one, then as you hit another goal, treat yourself to a charm. As it fills up you will have a gorgeous piece of jewellery and physical reminder of how far you have come x
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    in other words, I reward myself for reaching my goals by giving myself a leg up to the next milestone.