Confession time!

Ok so...I drank way more alcohol than I should have over the weekend. As a result I have gained 3 pounds (I am assuming im retaining alot of water) and am bloated beyond belief (I look 4 months preggo). This has NEVER happened before and I used to drink way more than I do now.

I have been drinking just water and unsweetened tea since Monday and although I couldnt run, I walked both yesterday and this morning. Any thoughts, suggestions, ideas??? I really dont want to have a gain when I weight in on Friday!!! :(


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Your body probably is either not used to the alcohol anymore, or you were used to being in a state of dehydration before when you were drinking more regularly. Maybe a combination of both.

    Your best bet is probably what you're already doing - drinking more water and tea to re-hydrate. Don't worry about making up for the alcohol - just get back on track with your normal diet, especially if most of the gain is water weight. Overdoing workouts or cutting out too many calories to balance things out may just make you hold onto more water.
  • Callmecookie88
    Callmecookie88 Posts: 16 Member
    You're not the only one, lol. I overdid it on the alcohol too this holiday weekend.
    Try to just keep it down when you drink. It's not like you're never going to drink again, but you can have one or two glasses of wine instead of five beers and a shot. Your body will return to normal, just keep doing what you do. Don't look for such immediate results, there is little instant gratification in dieting.
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    I'm so glad I don't drink. The only thing that will help with the bloating is drinking a TON of water and flushing it out.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    Umm. I'm glad I don't not drink lol. But I'm also proud of myself for being able to cut back to just the weekends and holidays. Makes weight loss a little easier.

    Eat clean and drink lots of water. You'll be back to normal in a week, maybe less. Next time you are going to drink, do an extra cardio workout a day or so before (and eat back the calories or not). Eat lots of protein on the day you intend to drink too. I find that this helps me not get bloated. ;)

    I use to have "weigh in day" freakouts too. Don't let the scale drive you crazy. At least you know what is causing you to retain water. No big deal.
  • racergirl1991
    racergirl1991 Posts: 422 Member
    Thanks...glad to know im not the only one. Lifes all about learning...lesson learned! LOL You guys are awesome!
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    I feel your pain!! I love to sit outside in the nice weather, have a glass of wine but... it turns into two and then the entire bottle. Then I binge eat and usually wake up feeling crappy and made. I have been maintaining for a year and for the last few weeks, I continue to slip every few days and start the "drink/eat" cycle. I do get right back on track but... I want to stop this. I need to break the habit of sitting outside drinking. I wish I could drink one drink but I know I cannot. I too gain 3-4 lbs from this and with all the food, sometimes it stays on for a week or so. I am doing good today but yesterday was bad.