Share Your No-Scales-November Challenge Results

Did anyone challenge themselves to not weigh for the whole month of November? I saw some discussions about it leading up to November..

The first three weeks of November were great for me! I was motivated and really on the ball. After a weekend away with my friends in London, it took me a while to get back on track, which meant that my last week of November was a bit of a flop.. I was so worried that I had undone the hard work of the first three weeks.

I got on the scales today, and was amazed to see a 4lb loss!! Which is 1lb a week. A perfect steady loss. I was thrilled. This brings my total weight loss to 1 stone (14lb).

I was thinking, I may have done some damage in my final week, but I would much rather see a total net loss than have weighed every week and seen a gain in my final week!! I would have been completely demotivated, whereas a 4lb loss in a month has truly spurred me on!

Share you N-S-N Victories!! :smile:


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