Tired of not sticking with it!

sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
edited December 2014 in Motivation and Support
I've been using MFP for 689 days now! Which would be great if I had put in the effort full in those days and had all my weight off. I get so discouraged, I feel so unmotivated to workout and I'll start the day out watching my calories and doing great and then dinner time comes and I'm "starving" and just don't watch what I eat, not that I'm eating and incredible amount over but, it's far more than I would like and it isn't aiding at all in my weight loss efforts. In this 689 days I've been on here, I have been pregnant for 9 months of it, but, I was at a good weight once I had my last baby. But, I have basically been losing and putting back on the same 10-15 pounds the whole entire time.

Thankfully now I'm on the lower end of what my weight has been, as of 2 weeks ago (when my scale died) I was at 178 and I was so happy to see that number, it had been at least 6 years since I had seen a number that low and I was ecstatic, but, that didn't last and once again I find myself unmotivated. I'm so tired of being overweight and not loving what I see in the mirror.

What keeps you motivated when you just don't feel like you've got it in you. What keeps you working out? What keeps you from getting an extra serving of food? Any tips would be great I could really use the motivation from somewhere right now, because I just don't have it myself.


  • PasTypique
    PasTypique Posts: 6 Member
    What motivates me? I don't want to die from an obesity-related disease! I don't want to take hypertension medication or cholesterol medication anymore. I don't want to be ashamed to take off my shirt in front of others or go swimming/sunbathing in public. I don't want people to make comments about my size, either to my face (you should eat more healthfully) or behind my back. I don't want to have to purchase 2XL, 40+ waist, or 18 neck size clothing. I don't want to shop at the big and tall man stores. I don't want to be out of breath simply from climbing one flight of stairs. I want to be able to keep up with my friends when they go walking or bike riding. I don't want to have sweat rolling down my face and showing through my shirts when I've been walking for 10 minutes in 75 degree weather. I don't want to see a double (triple?) chin any more when I look in the mirror. I don't want to destroy every picture of myself that I see because I can't stand the way I look. I don't want to have the depressed feelings that follow a sugar binge. I don't want to sleep 10 hours a day because I don't feel like getting up. I don't want to shove a finger down my throat because I ate a whole tub of frosting (or ho-ho's or whatever) and I'm feeling guilty. I don't want to be the one on the airplane that can't keep his body from overflowing into another person's space. I don't want to break or bend lawn chairs when I sit in them. I want to feel attractive and get my self-confidence back.

    That's what motivates me.