Progress is progress.

Abstraktimus Posts: 213 Member
edited December 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Today, is a day where I feel unstoppable. I literally feel like everything is clicking into place again. I finally managed to clean my diet up yesterday and I absolutely killed my workout. Some people take weeks or months to fall into a routine, I'm very lucky with health and fitness. Once I've done it for a day, it's there. It's in my mind, my thoughts, feelings and desires do a complete 180 and I turn into a machine. I control my cravings, I drink rivers of water and I laugh at pizza and tell it to piss off.

Yesterday was my best day in a long time. I've had a pretty *kitten* year and now I feel like I'm starting to take control of it and I don't feel so lost, it's funny how a good day can set you up for success. I'm back in that mindset where I know I won't fail, this is exactly how I felt when I started last time and lost 126lbs. Last night, I pushed myself farther and harder than ever before. I managed to smash personal bests and crunches that I found to be a nightmare in the past, weren't. They were easy, I found myself pushing more and more of them out until I got to 100. Now, it may not be a massive number for 'normal' people but I couldn't even do 20 last week at the gym. I can't describe how empowered I feel, it's a surreal feeling once you snap and realise that everything you need to achieve your dreams, is within you

Progress is my fuel, my motivation and my drive in life. If I don't progress or grow, then I'm dieing. I am a person who pushes for progress, not perfection. I don't compete, I don't compare. The only person I want to be better than is the person I was yesterday. I'd rather do one more sit-up with good form, than 10 with a one way ticket to Snap City. I decided today to check what my original BMI was when I first started and it was 49.4. Today, it's 32.3. Seeing this, realising how far I've come is staggering. It's easy to say, oh yeah I lost 100lbs. But when I stop and think about it, this is the one thing I've succeeded at that I am proud of. I can look back at myself when I was unhappy and say, I did this. This was my goal and I smashed it. Becoming wiser, healthier and stronger day by day is my addiction. And, ladies and gentleman. I'm hooked again.

If you want to join me and smash the sh1t out of this together, add me as a friend and let's do this.
