Struggling and Discouraged

So I started out wanting to lose about 20lbs just 30 days ago.
I lost 4lbs the first 2 weeks, amazing...stalled after but saw inches getting lost and was totally ok with that NSV.

Well this weekend I realized my scale wasn't working properly anymore (same weight came up the last 7 days whether clothed, eaten, etc)

Needless to say what I weighed in at now has me needing to lose 24 to my original goal. Totally not cool. I do believe I lost 4lbs before that thing broke, and I have seen inches lost but what a super discouraging thing to happen. Discouraged that I feel like through no fault of my own I took 4 steps back and that I weighed more than I ever have except pregnant 9 months. yeah.....

But there are gourmet donuts in the kitchen at work and two girls came over to tell me to go eat response: oh hell no......

and I haven't had one.
Zumba step at a time.

anyone else started this journey only to feel really discouraged not too soon after being elated??


  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    hi hang in there i know i have had a hard time losing LBS if you are losing INCHES that is a good thing i have stopped even weighting myself for a month
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    Yes, it's hard at first. I started my journey in 2010 at 224. I used to blog on Sparkpeople. I remember my first blogs being so Debbie Downer and depressing LOL. But I kept blogging and people kept encouraging me.

    You need a solid support system with likeminded people to keep you accountable. That is what kept me going, and I ended up losing 60 pounds the first year. I gained almost 20 pounds back, and now I'm trying to lose 35-40 pounds. It seems like such a long road at first, but take it one day at a time and you will reach your goals in no time.

    Motivation does not come from the outside. It comes from within. You have to learn to keep DOING when you don't feel like it. As long as you are losing inches, you are on the right track. The scale will follow shortly. For me, it took 20 pounds to see a real difference. So take pics :)