Insanity round starting anytime ~Dec. 2014

Hi guys!
So I finally tried insanity like a month and a half ago. I thought I'd be done in another half month, great for before winter break, but then I got caught up in work and got behind and 'finished' (not really) month 1 in one and a half months.

Haha so I'm going to restart it and I plan to go strong, but I thought it would be great if there were more people doing it to hold me accountable and likewise. All the threads I found of a group Insanity were months old so I hope to start a new one

Anyone interested? Please?

We can decide when the new round starts if people come (like after winter break, or now and we trudge through it?)

All are welcome! :)
Happy holidays!


  • maiths18
    maiths18 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! Absolutely. I need someone to do insanity with. It is tough exercise so buddy is a must. You can add me and then we can pm each other everyday. I am planning to start it on monday but bcz of holidays planning to re start it in January.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    Started my second round last week (finished it in October). Bet of luck and add if you like :smiley:
  • erincuthrell
    erincuthrell Posts: 6 Member
    Finishing up first month this week...then recovery. ..and then month 2!!! Would love to have all who is doing Insanity add me!
  • I'm going to start insanity again after I finish up 30 day shred in a week or so. I'm getting bored with the 30 day shred so I may start sooner. I'm in.
  • derberner
    derberner Posts: 2 Member
    I'm considering starting it up again next week. I tried it once before, but got a bad chest cold halfway through, which threw off my routine, and I haven't gone back. But now I'm feeling the need to do it again :) add if you like!
  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Finishing up first month this week...then recovery. ..and then month 2!!! Would love to have all who is doing Insanity add me!

    What are your results so far? I'm only on week 1 so I have a long way to go.
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    on month 2 week 3 day 2 and i am hooked! have noticed great results (not trying to lose weight though) definition wise. however my knees and back have started playing me up so i may not make it to the end =[
  • sin485 wrote: »
    on month 2 week 3 day 2 and i am hooked! have noticed great results (not trying to lose weight though) definition wise. however my knees and back have started playing me up so i may not make it to the end =[

    Can you modify some of the moves that cause you the most discomfort? I have read that the insanity classes where instructors have been certified in the program are taught modification moves to help their clients.
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    ive had to do that to get through it but i dont like doing so i kinda feel like im cheating lol. oddly enough my back is actually better now after exercising so thats not longer a problem. maybe it was overuse?
  • I'm interested I'm on week 2
  • Feel free to add me
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I will be starting Insanity again from the 1st January 2015...
    Last time I got to Month 2, week 2.. but work got a bit overloaded and I fell at the last hurdle... Am hoping to complete it this time :)
    1st January: Estimated Start
    4th March: Estimated finish
    Shame there is no one in my area that can keep me motivated tho... I tried to pursuade my brother to join me, but all he gave me was some colourful language lol
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    i finished it and took a little time off, now ive started it again because i love it. started on 23rd of december :)