Help with Outer Quad sweep

Just need some new workouts to help focus in on my outer quad sweep.... Need suggestions on new workouts or exercises please :-)


  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    Squats in the Smith machine with your feet forward of the bar, whatever distance lets you drop down with a fairly upright posture. Keep your stance inside shoulder width to emphasize the outer quad. Only drop down to parallel, anything lower will engage your glutes/hams. Keep the reps higher, you need time under tension to grow. Try pyramiding sets, increasing weight and dropping reps on each subsequent set, something like 20/15/12/8 reps. Take each set as close to failure as possible.

    You could do all the above in the leg press as well. Your back will be protected on the leg press if you find it too taxing on the Smith. Just keep stance on the narrow side to target outer sweep. Good luck.