Hypo Thyroid and going to try Gluten Free...sucess stories welcome



  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    edited December 2014
    KarenB927 wrote: »
    I had muscles aches and cramps, joint pain, extreme fatigue (I literally had to crawl up the stairs or I couldn't make it), brain fog, night vision problems, thinning hair and a bald spot at the neckline, intolerance to heat and cold and depression. I asked my endocrinologist at my one year post-treatment checkup why did I feel so bad? She suggested the possibility of celiac disease. I had never heard of it and thought she was crazy.

    Within a couple of weeks of cutting out gluten I felt like a whole new person.

    It's important to note that your doctor diagnosed you. Not strangers on the Internet.

    I'm glad you found the help you need. An endocrinogist who actually listens to you is a rare & wonderful thing!