Desk Job and Weight Gain



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I have a desk job, I do a 50 min workout every morning (running/circuits/strength) and then during the day I get up from my desk as often as I can: to go to another office, grab another glass or water/or flavoured tea, ...any excuse I can I get up and move :) I can easily clock up 3000 steps from just doing this...its amazing how any movement all adds up and makes a difference.
    I've been maintaining my weight for around a year now :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited December 2014
    I drink an insane amount of water- so I have to getup frequently to pee.

    I also have a big bouncy ball to sit on which keeps me from getting insanely stiff.

    I don't eat at the cafe. I pack my own food- and I count ALL the snacks I eat. So I'm cautious about food.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well, what was your old job? It's impossible to say without any point of comparison.

    But you didn't gain two pounds of fat in a few days. It will take a month or two. Just keep tracking your weight, and if you're still up in a month, eat less.
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    I think its been said, but I always try to at least pre-pack my lunch and add those calories on for the next day, then I know what I am looking at for the next day. Avoid the breakroom if you can't resist goodies..someone is always going to bring something in that says "eat me" on it.... I switched from one desk job to another that is 100% electronic data..even that switch I noticed a big difference in lack of movement throughout the day, so I had to make sure I was choosing steps vs elevator (5th floor) on most days or walking on breaks etc. One last thing...dont snack aimlessly! :smiley: You can do it!