Halfway, help me keep going

I have lost 38 pounds since August and have about 29 to go. How do I keep motivated now that the weight loss isn't so fast like it was in the beginning, and now that there is cold weather and it's dark out by the time I get home from work? I am scared that now that it's more challenging I will have trouble staying on track.


  • fearlessleader104
    fearlessleader104 Posts: 723 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss.
    Keep doing what you are doing
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Awesome loss so far! Very inspiring!

    It could be good if you're feeling like you're in a rut to give yourself a new challenge. Join a daily or weekly challenge group. Sign up for a new class at the gym or try a new activity to keep motivated.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    What is your plan to stay on track for the next 50 years?

    A few things that might help:

    -set a non weight goal, like running a 5k or participating in a dance workshop. That way you aren't just losing weight, you are in training.
    -write down a couple of lists. One list of why you are doing this, one list of all the things that you have done right to get this far. Post them somewhere where you will read them every day.
    -join a challenge. There are walking challenges, running challenges, I am even running a daily challenge to freshen up the skills I have been learning and keep me (and whoever joins in) strong through the holidays (http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10028132/december-2014-daily-challenges)
  • michelegreen99
    michelegreen99 Posts: 28 Member
    First, celebrate the awesome job you have done so far and really absorb what that means to you. You have proven you got what it takes to do this, that you are committed and that you are accountable to yourself. That's half the battle! I like the idea of trying something new that is fun, maybe some fitness activity you couldn't do before when you were heavier. And definitely, get a buddy who can help keep you focused on your fitness and drag you outside when it is cold and dark. That is what I have done and it truly makes a difference and gets you thru the rough spots.

    Congratulations on your progress. You got this!
  • back2twentyfive
    back2twentyfive Posts: 36 Member
    edited December 2014
    I am nearing my halfway mark and feel like you do.

    It is helping me to put my focus on more exercise, rather than focusing on calories, because when I move more, I feel better and more motivated to be healthy, which is indirectly motivating me to stick to my calorie allowances.

    Congratulations on getting this far -- it's awesome! :)