Wrapping your head around "net" calories

tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
edited December 2014 in Getting Started
I previously used another site. I remember logging both intake and exercise (estimated, no FitBit or whatever, don't plan on getting one). I don't remember the 'net' number looming so large on that other site, and this is preferable to MFP's way imo - focusing just the gross number made intake feel somehow easier to control.

I do like logging exercise (I use the number on the machine), just as a motivating thing and to have a very rough idea of what's going on output-wise. I know some people log just one minute to do that. I could do that, but I still want to keep a record of the output estimate somewhere. I don't see a 'Notes' section on the app, which is where I might put that.

If you're used to thinking in terms of 'gross' calories, how did you get used to MFP's method, or did you?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    MFP's method doesn't bother me. That however is probably due to the fact that this is the first calorie counting site I've tried.

    There are lots of people who do what's referred to as the TDEE method (not to be confused with BMR). They generally use an online calculator to estimate their average daily burn and then subtract anywhere from 10-20%. This ends up giving them their calorie goal. Then on MFP, they change their calorie goal using the custom setting and either log exercise with 1 cal burn or not at all.

    Oh and if you want to add a note to your diary from the phone app. Click " Add to Diary " and scroll to the bottom of the list, you should see " Food Notes " and " Exercise Notes "
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    edited December 2014
    use the TDEE method. but, if you like seeing the burn numbers and recording those, be careful using and relying on the numbers the exercise machines give you. they are notoriously over exaggerated.

    ETA: there's a note section in the diary on the web version of MFP, i'm not certain about the app though.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    MFP's method doesn't bother me. That however is probably due to the fact that this is the first calorie counting site I've tried.

    There are lots of people who do what's referred to as the TDEE method (not to be confused with BMR). They generally use an online calculator to estimate their average daily burn and then subtract anywhere from 10-20%. This ends up giving them their calorie goal. Then on MFP, they change their calorie goal using the custom setting and either log exercise with 1 cal burn or not at all.

    Oh and if you want to add a note to your diary from the phone app. Click " Add to Diary " and scroll to the bottom of the list, you should see " Food Notes " and " Exercise Notes "

    Thanks! Yes that's basically what I did on the other site.

    Wow how lazy am I, to not scroll down. Thanks :blush:
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited December 2014
    use the TDEE method. but, if you like seeing the burn numbers and recording those, be careful using and relying on the numbers the exercise machines give you. they are notoriously over exaggerated.

    ETA: there's a note section in the diary on the web version of MFP, i'm not certain about the app though.

    Thank you! Yes, I know it's a ballpark figure. I just try to push as hard as I can - if I'm sweating by minute 10, my heart's pumping, and my shirt is wet enough, I'm ok with the number, or at least it worked well enough for me last time.
  • Revonue
    Revonue Posts: 135 Member
    MFP has been the method I've used for the longest time, but I've always just ate the recommended calories and generally have not bothered logging my exercise.

    Now that I want an activity tracker and a HRM, I'm thinking of eating back 1/2 or so of my exercise calories, which would take me more to a "net" standpoint.

    The good thing about MFP is that there's a lot of freedom to set your own goals and edit the tools it gives you to be convienant to your lifestyle and the way you want to lose (or maintain or gain) weight.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    What brought you to MFP?

    There are a number of ways you can approach target calories and logging. Based on your post, you could certainly set your daily calorie goal to your maintenance calories assuming no exercise. The exercise, and log your exercise, to create a defict. In effect, you'll eat at maintenance on rest days, and be in a deficit on exercise days.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    The database brought me here! It's amazing.
    Thanks for the tips!