treadmill ADD



  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    Another vote for the Zombies, Run app. I just finished the 5k version and really enjoyed it. You can still listen to your music but they lower the volume during the talk sessions where they give you a storyline to run by.
  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    so I tossed my ipad on the treadmill shelf over the display last night and started jogging whilst watching Top Gun. I only make it a half mile before watching the ipad became difficult so I dropped down to 3mph and walked it out for 46 total minutes. I dont want to spend that much time doing cardio but at least I was entertained.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    ahh the dreadmill I hate the thought of getting on it lol I try some variety when I am on there mine has a function where I can race other people on the net that's fun I also watch something or do sprints Zombies, run I do as well that's a neat app but I am a bit farther along than it is so I feel like I am having a slow day when I do it ( I am still at the start) My husband has a game we play called treadmill suicides we start at 1mph 1% 1 min incline and move both as far up as we can loser has to do 20 push ups not sure how safe it is but its fun he can do 10 mph 10% incline 10 Mins ( the max) I can only make it to like 8 lol
  • FakingFitness
    FakingFitness Posts: 325 Member
    I listen to my headphones. My current goal is actually music based and very corny. Run 1.5 miles while listening to Freebird which is around 9:15. I dont think I could watch tv while jogging. Mayhaps ill try using my ipad which would cover the distance display at the same time.

    That's a really good idea. I'm going to steal that!
    I sometimes do audio books. Although, I admittedly forget to listen at times.
  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    My husband has a game we play called treadmill suicides we start at 1mph 1% 1 min incline and move both as far up as we can loser has to do 20 push ups not sure how safe it is but its fun he can do 10 mph 10% incline 10 Mins ( the max) I can only make it to like 8 lol

    LOL WUT!! That is just insane. If I tried to run 10MPH right now for any appreciable amount of time I could quickly be ejected across my basement. Beyond that, my ceiling is low so I am capped at about 4* of incline before I am seriously smacking my head.