SPRING ROLLS boing boing

mckennasihde Posts: 43 Member
Hey everyone! Wondering if anyone has some amazing spring roll recipes for me to try? I'm looking specifically at the fresh kind-- not baked or fried. Let me know! You guys are the best!


  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    I make my own from deconstructing half of ones I like that I bought and writing down what was inside. Since I don't like shusami, I usually used cooked shrimp as the protein in mine.
    It took a bit of time to learn to wrap the rice paper wrap as closely as the store bought type but eventually I got the hang of it. Easy and good.

    Here's a take off on a chicken one that I do have a recipe for.

    Chicken Apple Wraps
    1/2 cup chopped cooked chicken breast
    3 tablespoons chopped Fuji apple
    2 tablespoons chopped black or red grapes
    2 tablespoons Crunchy Peanut Butter
    1 tablespoon lite mayonnaise (or greek yogurt)
    2 teaspoons honey
    Iceberg lettuce

    Chop chicken meat and fruit, mix in bowl. Mix in peanut butter, mayonnaise and honey.

    Spoon into open lettuce leaf, roll and serve

  • LookingBusy
    LookingBusy Posts: 72 Member
    Do you mean fresh rolls (the ones with the rice paper wrappers)?

    This is the base recipe I use, but I always end up making little changes. Just plain shrimp, rice noodles and lettuce works really well too (especially with a peanut dipping sauce).


  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2014
    My daughter works with a guy who is from Viet Nam who makes these with shrimp and a slice of pork, and got his recipe. I'll get if for you from her and post here. She said that he told her the brand of rice paper and rice noodles is really important for best results.

    Meanwhile, here is a link to a detailed explantion and recipe that may work for you:


  • dklibert
    dklibert Posts: 1,196 Member
    We had a Thai/Sushi place that made these. They are a little different and very good.


  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Basic Vietnamese spring rolls my family always make:

    sliced cucumbers
    Lettuce leaves
    Boiled rice noodles
    Boiled shrimp
    Boiled sliced pork (or you can pan fry them in butter)
    Rice paper
    Lime chili fish sauce for dipping

    I eat these often. Simple and quick to prepare.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    This was the base recipe I went off of, but I always change stuff:

    I only use cilantro, I use chicken instead of shrimp, and I skip the lettuce but add thinly cut cucumber instead.

    Also, I completely ignore the sauce and just do 2 parts hoisin sauce to 1 part crunch peanut butter and thin to desired consistency with lime juice.
  • mckennasihde
    mckennasihde Posts: 43 Member
    WOW! you guys are the best. spring rolls (with rice paper) were one of my favorite things to eat even BEFORE i joined MFP. It took me a while to respond to this--- but I will certainly be trying multiple recipes listed here! THANKS!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2014
    Love Vietnamese spring rolls! I usually just have them when we go out, but once in a while I'll make them. My favorite filling is sprouts, carrots, romaine, green onion, rice noodle and bbq chicken...and a peanut sauce dipping sauce. Jicama is also good in the filling. I watched a number of YouTube videos to get some ideas.

    This is from my favorite Vietnamese restaurant. They are so good. But I forgot to tell them to hold the shrimp that day and had to pull those yucky things out of there!


  • mckennasihde
    mckennasihde Posts: 43 Member
    OOoooooo YUM!!! Ive never tried jicama in a spring roll!?!