why am i stuck at 297



  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    a week and a half is not stuck. after three weeks if you arent moving maybe... and thats still a maybe. weight doesnt come off on our schedules. it doesnt know what a week is.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    vahag718 wrote: »
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    Maybe your scale is broken. B)

    How long has your weight been the same?

    What do you the other 4 days of the week, for physical activity?
    ive been stuck at 297 for a week and a half and the other four days i walk to and from the train station which is not much (about a 20 minute walk)

    That's nothing to worry about

    Natural fluctuations

    Just keep going and it will go

    (I just spent 3 weeks oscillating between the same 2lbs ...then dropped 3lb (from the lower figure) and it's stuck for a week)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    What they all saod about showing some patience. Apparently 1500 calories per day is being unaccounted for.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    To maintain weight, exercise 30 min per day (cardio) at least 5 days per week. To lose weight, you might have to do twice that (5 hours per week).

    This is not true. You can maintain and lose weight with no exercise at all.
    My doctor & dietician told me that to get to a healthy weight, I should eat 10x that in calories, so you should start by aiming for 1850 cal / day.
    That's _total_, not net. Ignore net, ignore exercise calories; do not eat back exercise calories.

    No. Just no. Please stop with the eat 10X your healthy weight, because while it worked for you it does not work for everyone.

    Do not ignore net either, and do eat a portion of your exercise calories back because they are used to fuel your body.
  • DonT58
    DonT58 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a 56 year old male who eats 1000 calories less than my maintenance weight and I adjust my goals each week. I started counting with MFP when I was 281 lbs. I have added exercise and increased my activity - but I do not include the exercise calories (800-1000 per week) when deciding how much I should eat each day. I've lost about 3 lbs a week for the last 11 weeks. My daily calories are currently listed at 1530 per day and I eat between 1250 to my daily goal. I usually hit my goal but when I miss it it's just by a couple of dozen or less - except on two exception in 11 weeks (both for pizza). I am going to have to make some adjustments soon because as this daily allotment comes down I will eventually have to make some adjustment for exercise as on most exercise days (4 days a week) I actually need all my calories. To answer yoru question - I would reply that burning calories isn't the same as exercise calories and it's important to be close on food measuremenst. Being off by teaspoons when it comes to oils, fractions of an ounce for cheese and considering meat lean when it's actually fatty can make a big difference in the daily counts. I suspect before counting calories there were days (maybe even most days) when I took in 1000+ calories from condiments like cheese, butter and mayo.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    One more thing. If you really are exercising everyday, sometimes you build muscle before you burn. I really like measurements along with exercise.

    And that is meant to explain for the weight to not change? I doubt he's gone and put a pound of muscle on in a caloric deficit.

    IsackGMOON many people lose fat and make muscle at the same time. As I posted I when many weeks and the scales did not change but I lost an inch in the waist and my double chin almost went away. People were telling me I looked better after losing weight and I had not lost a pound or gained a pound but I was getting stronger.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    vahag718 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    vahag718 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    You're eating more and burning fewer calories than you think.

    i am not though
    everything is weighed and i use the map my ride app to calculate my calories burned according to it i lose 500 calories or more on my bike rides

    Well....no. If you are not losing weight, you are eating more than you think you are. You are either/or underestimating calories in or overestimating calories burned.

    Apps are often overestimated in calories.

    Even when you weigh your food, you have to do some research to ensure you are choosing correct entries.
    so how do i accurately calculate calories burned?

    Calories burned are estimates only. I would say not to eat all your exercise calories back, that's all.

    This and a heart rate monitor can give you a better estimate.

    Love my heart rate monitor.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    One more thing. If you really are exercising everyday, sometimes you build muscle before you burn. I really like measurements along with exercise.

    And that is meant to explain for the weight to not change? I doubt he's gone and put a pound of muscle on in a caloric deficit.

    IsackGMOON many people lose fat and make muscle at the same time. As I posted I when many weeks and the scales did not change but I lost an inch in the waist and my double chin almost went away. People were telling me I looked better after losing weight and I had not lost a pound or gained a pound but I was getting stronger.

    You can increase strength in a deficit.. but muscle, I'm not so sure.

    I could be totally wrong here though. :\
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    edited December 2014
    vahag718 wrote: »
    also i am apprehensive (and to be perfectly honest a little embarressed) of opening my diary my weight tracking has not been accurate since i have only recently gotten a scale. my weight tracking has come from the scale at my psychs office and obviously she always measures me with my cloathes and work boots on.

    There you go. Take a month or so to weigh and measure all your foods and drinks, stay as near the goal MFP gives you, and see if your stall doesn't fix itself.

    Edit: Do you mean you just got a food scale, or that you just got a body weight scale? I took it to mean you got a food scale since you were talking about your food diary.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    edited December 2014
    My guess is your not stuck and the 500 cal burn is way off...I would say closer to 200-250 for 45min perhaps even less. Invest in a Heart Rate Monitor with chest strap to calculate a more accurate burn for the next month I bet your weight will have dropped by then once you see what your really burning in that 45min...and like others have said if your going to ask for advice open your diary.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    One more thing. If you really are exercising everyday, sometimes you build muscle before you burn. I really like measurements along with exercise.

    And that is meant to explain for the weight to not change? I doubt he's gone and put a pound of muscle on in a caloric deficit.

    IsackGMOON many people lose fat and make muscle at the same time. As I posted I when many weeks and the scales did not change but I lost an inch in the waist and my double chin almost went away. People were telling me I looked better after losing weight and I had not lost a pound or gained a pound but I was getting stronger.

    You can increase strength in a deficit.. but muscle, I'm not so sure.

    I could be totally wrong here though. :\

    It is most easy to do when one is starting with little muscle mass I expect. In my case I was in nutritional ketosis which is naturally muscle sparing plus when counting calories I realized I was quite low in protein after I learned I needed 30 grams three times a day to get good body repair of tissue.
  • my only suggestion, gone for 289 to 270, is to mix up your work outs. after a while your body gets used to the same workouts and you stop burning as many calories as you used to. if you can add a ten minute walk on your lunch. squats, crunches and lunges have helped me to lose pounds all over and as helped tone my legs. also remember that what you eat and how much you work out does not show up the next day. sometimes its two are three days later. consistancy is key. oh one more thing-from a diabetic stand point. you NEED those 1200 to 1500 calories. if you dont eat enough your body will have to make up for it from you liver and it will burn out faster. also not eating enough even when you are working out causes your body to store rather than burn fat.
    good luch and keep you chin up
  • well this has become an argument on all sides. I guess the advice im going to take is get a heart rate monitor and be patient. Thanks for the help
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    vahag718 wrote: »
    well this has become an argument on all sides. I guess the advice im going to take is get a heart rate monitor and be patient. Thanks for the help

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Too much sugar carbs fat (don't use myfitnesspal for that). I got stuck last week, I had to eliminate bread for a couple of days and really watch my fat. I notice that a lot of recipes that are supposed to be low fat have a lot of oil. (Dude, I don't care if olive oil is healthy. Two tbsp. is an extra 250 calories). With my metabolism, anything but cooking spray will and precious little of that will stall my weight loss. Bread, crackers (even the whole wheat kind) stall me. So does sugar. Some weeks ill go 5 days with nothing, until I chunk everything but chicken and veggies. My best helper this week was grilled chicken salad with homemade very low fat ranch dressing and chicken kabobs. Weird but I lost a pound each day with this. I obviously have a carb metabolic issue. What I wouldn't give to be able to eat 2,000 calories a day!!!!

    No, just a bunch of nonsense^^^^
    Under eating does set us up for a regain in the future but I went about two months without losing a pound but I was walking and not over eating. I was kind of down until I realized I had lost an inch in the waist and had lost my double chin and added muscle. :)

    Measure as well as weigh. A pound of fat is a lot more volume than a pound of muscle.

    You are making headway so stay the course.
    So how do you suggest we loss fat without eating under maintenance?

    Simple: Keep the the new count to equal 90-95% of maintenance and do not decrease physical active that was used to compute original maintenance. If you are burning body fat that is where some of your calories will come from because you are like eating your own fat so to speak.

  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I struggled at certain weights... I was on a VLCD (doctor supervised of course) and even with a VLCD and regular exercise I got stuck at 310 for two weeks! Around 260 I got stuck for a MONTH... I lost ONE POUND in the whole month while honestly eating at a deficit that should have yeilded an 8 pound loss. NOW at my current weight of 230 I am kind of in that "stuck" mode...Actually in EVERY previous weight loss attempt, I've ALWAYS gotten "stuck" at this weight and then given up... but NOT THIS TIME DAMN IT! It's frustrating, but if your calories are accurate and your exercise is accurate then just stay the course for another couple of weeks and the weight loss will start up again.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I struggled at certain weights... I was on a VLCD (doctor supervised of course) and even with a VLCD and regular exercise I got stuck at 310 for two weeks! Around 260 I got stuck for a MONTH... I lost ONE POUND in the whole month while honestly eating at a deficit that should have yeilded an 8 pound loss. NOW at my current weight of 230 I am kind of in that "stuck" mode...Actually in EVERY previous weight loss attempt, I've ALWAYS gotten "stuck" at this weight and then given up... but NOT THIS TIME DAMN IT! It's frustrating, but if your calories are accurate and your exercise is accurate then just stay the course for another couple of weeks and the weight loss will start up again.

    Good post. I am stuck at 220 again just like in 2011 before I regained what I had lost. My age/health can not take any more yo yo dieting so I have to stay the course. Your post is encouraging.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    vahag718 wrote: »
    well this has become an argument on all sides. I guess the advice im going to take is get a heart rate monitor and be patient. Thanks for the help

    Nope you missed the main point, but you see what you want to.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    One more thing. If you really are exercising everyday, sometimes you build muscle before you burn. I really like measurements along with exercise.

    And that is meant to explain for the weight to not change? I doubt he's gone and put a pound of muscle on in a caloric deficit.

    IsackGMOON many people lose fat and make muscle at the same time. As I posted I when many weeks and the scales did not change but I lost an inch in the waist and my double chin almost went away. People were telling me I looked better after losing weight and I had not lost a pound or gained a pound but I was getting stronger.

    You can increase strength in a deficit.. but muscle, I'm not so sure.

    I could be totally wrong here though. :\

    It is most easy to do when one is starting with little muscle mass I expect. In my case I was in nutritional ketosis which is naturally muscle sparing plus when counting calories I realized I was quite low in protein after I learned I needed 30 grams three times a day to get good body repair of tissue.

    No, you didn't build muscle in a deficit. You just increased strength lol.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    vahag718 wrote: »
    herrspoons wrote: »
    vahag718 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    vahag718 wrote: »
    i weigh everything, i've been eating healthier ( cut off all junk food), and i have been doing cardio 135 hours per week. Here is my typical day....
    .For breakfast 3 egg whites and one tomato fried in 1 tbsp of canola oil (about 300 calories)
    .For lunch either a 6'' subway sub or a chicken salad only greens chicken and vinnegrette ( about 400/500 calories)
    .For dinner.. a 4 oz piece of fish and a small sweet potato or another salad
    .snacks- fruit and or sunflower seeds (70- 100 calories)
    - my workout is a 45 minute bike ride 3 times a week
    I see the word about a lot^^^^

    And how long have you been at 297?
    1500-2000 calories is a big range. You when it is people give a range like that? Whenjoy they are guessing.
    i am not guessing somedays i just don't feel like eating as much because i have manic depression

    This account seems less and less legit each with each post.

    My brother has bipolar. That's what it's called, not manic depression.

    Just so you know, sunshine.

    Actually it used to be called manic depressive disorder. If you have an "old school" psychiatrist it is very possible they used that term in the diagnosis and not bipolar. There are also different types of bipolar. Just because your brother was diagnosed with it does not make you an expert on someone else's mental health. It is incredibly offensive to say an account "looks less legit" because they state they have a mental health issue. I am sure you wouldn't be happy if someone said that to your brother, so why say it to someone else? No one is forcing you to read the thread and no one asked if you thought they were legit.

    Sorry, I'll jump off my soap box now. I just can't stand the negative stigma that mental health issues have, and comments like that do not help.