Is diet composition essential in maintaining weight?

hi, since I've read so many articles that says maintaining weight, losing weight and even gaining weight is all about calories in versus calories out. So can I maintain my weight if I eat,let say, 60% carb 25%protein and 15% fat? Does the composition matter? Or it's just really all about calories in versus calories out?


  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    Weight alone is all about the calories, but when it comes to muscle, how you feel, energy levels, etc, the composition matters. You don't have to be super strict but in the general neighborhood. Too little protein and you'll feel like crap; too little healthy fats and you'll always feel hungry, all that stuff.
  • MaoTzu
    MaoTzu Posts: 9 Member
    I've seen most recommendations somewhere at .5-1g of protein per pound and .3-.5g fat per pound. This is for long term health. When it comes to weight management, calories are really the only thing that will make you lose, gain, or maintain weight. The ratio will not matter. However, your body needs a certain amount of fats and proteins to function properly. So, no, as far as weight goes the composition doesn't matter- but for your long term health, you want to make sure you're getting enough fats and proteins.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,871 Member
    I agree with both replies. More protein and fats will help your body feel satiated, but you can maintain your weight eating nothing but glazed doughnuts and chocolate milk as long as you stay within your calories. As I see it, the problem of overeating on this type of diet (high carb and sugar) is that you are starving your body of important nutrients, which will then lead you to eat more doughnuts and chocolate milk, trying to compensate for your hungry feelings. I hope this makes sense.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited December 2014
    Health is more than carbs, as people said. If I eat more than 50% carbs (I aim for 40% or less), I am hungry all the time and I can't lose weight. I haven't tried maintaining at more. Not carbs per se, but easily digestible carbs can spike your insulin which changes how you store and burn fat.
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    I see! Thanks for the useful information!! So on days which I can consume lots of calories through exercising I can vary the composition since I can eat more food I wouldn't feel hungry easily.