When you go to the gym

When you go to the gym what kind of weight lifting exercises are you doing? And is it helping with the weight loss, or are you just building muscle


  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'd suggest that the premise of the question is a bit flawed.

    Weight loss is a function of a calorie deficit, consuming less energy than you expend.

    Muscle/ Lean mass is related to body composition, or bodyfat percentage.

    Resistance training while eating at a deficit can help to retain lean mass, hence helping to improve the bodyfat percentage. In deficit you're not going to gain significant muscle mass, but by improving the bodyfat percentage you hve better visibility of what's there.

    So the key point really is, what do you want to achieve? Making an assumption from your post, I'd say that you're after weight loss with improved aesthetics. That would suggest a general mixed programme of resistance and CV work. About three days per week of each.

    Lots of people on here advocate something like Stronglifts 5x5, New Rules of Lifting For Women, and similar. Equally some will say not to do any CV work at all.

    PErsonally my focus is running performance, so I run and cycle for CV work and do bdyweight resistance training using You Are Your Own Gym. So that's stuff like press ups, dips, box jumps etc.
  • Delphine2013
    Delphine2013 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the response.

    You are correct in your assumption. Weight loss with improved aesthetics is what I am looking for.

    I was instructed (by friends) that I needed to do cross-fit (which I did) because muscle burns fat? However I never saw a change in weight.

    I quit with the CF and went strictly to CV exercises (3 x week) but felt wrong? in my approach. So thanks for the response and explanation. I will continue with what I am doing and try the body weight resistance style of training.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Thanks for the response.

    You are correct in your assumption. Weight loss with improved aesthetics is what I am looking for.

    I was instructed (by friends) that I needed to do cross-fit (which I did) because muscle burns fat? However I never saw a change in weight.

    I quit with the CF and went strictly to CV exercises (3 x week) but felt wrong? in my approach. So thanks for the response and explanation. I will continue with what I am doing and try the body weight resistance style of training.

    Just keep in mind...as has been previously stated, your weight loss (and weight control in general) is largely a function of your consumption.

    A calorie is just a unit of energy...you consume more energy than your body needs (regardless of what exercise you are or aren't doing), that energy is converted to fat and stored for later use. When you consume less energy than your body needs (regardless of what exercise you are or aren't doing), your body has to make up that energy deficit by dipping into your energy stores (fat). When you consume a balance of energy (regardless of what exercise you are or aren't doing), you maintain.

    If you saw no weight loss during Crossfit, it was because you were consuming a maintenance level of energy (calories)...it really doesn't matter what you're doing from an exercise standpoint...regular exercise just increases your energy requirements...that, and it's really good for you...but your weight control is largely about consumption and energy balance.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    You've asked the question in a "do you walk to school or carry your lunch" format. Also, it reminds me of my mother's response to my telling her I was in therapy and she asked if it was helping. ;-/

    When I reached my goal weight, my nutritionist suggested I cut back cardio and introduce strength training so I wouldn't keep losing. So now I do a combination of both to keep both my heart and body fit.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I was instructed (by friends) that I needed to do cross-fit (which I did) because muscle burns fat? However I never saw a change in weight

    Notwithstanding that the muscle burns fat line is flawed as above the main driver for loss is being in calorie deficit. Expend less energy than you consume, and you'll lose weight.

    Crossfit has a place, although personally I'm not a fan as it's pretty unfocussed, and the prospect of a class format doesn't appeal to me.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i blew past my ultimate goal weight by almost 20 pounds when I started lifting regularly. i've also gotten nicely sculpted arms and back now too because of it. My waist has whittled down about 8 inches.

    I do the 4 olympics lifts and combine them with related accessory moves 3-4 times a week.