"When food is love"

I am reading the book "When food is love" which so far I am very much identifying with. In uncertain terms I was a child of abuse whom turned to food for love. I am addicted to fantasy. I know that sounds odd to some of you, but to some of us the fantasy of something else was the only way to escape our reality. The good thing is I now know this. I just need some support and help of people whom can identify with this and have found a way out. Please consider adding me as a friend or give advice if you can relate.


  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    I was a child of deep emotional abuse. My father was and still is a severe alcoholic. I have been overweight my entire life because I turned to food for comfort. And I decided that enough was enough. He or no one else was going to control my life or my emotions. And I took a hold of that and ran with it. I'm 10 lbs. away from being in a healthy BMI range and I'll never look back.