I've gotten too comfortable and need motivation :(

edited December 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
I used to be a lot more disciplined when it comes to food. I don't exactly know what changed- maybe once I reached the category of "healthy/average" weight for my height, I started to be more lenient.

I want to drop about 5-7 pounds and change my eating habits again. I don't want to eat fast food anymore, or have empty calories (with the exception of the occasional Tim Horton's drink).

I had pizza last night and although I worked out, I feel bloated and icky now. I always regret it afterwards but I just go right ahead. And now that I'm in university, there's fast food everywhere I turn when I'm on campus. I'd love to get into better shape before next spring, feel better and save money by not buying junk.

I need encouragement, advice, motivation...support :\ Have any of you been through the same thing? What did you do to snap out of it?


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    You can eat fast food and lose weight. Maybe you should stop trying to "eat healthy" for weight loss and just realize that as long as you are in a deficit, you will lose weight, so you can still eat pizza if you're craving it. Although I'm taking a miantenance break, I ate pizza on Friday with dinner, then yesterday with breakfast, and then again yesterday with lunch.

    drink some water, make a cup of tea, poop a bit, you'll feel fine.
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    MFP: probably one of the only places on the interwebz where it's reasonable to tell someone to go take a *kitten*.

    Don't ever change, MFP. Don't ever change.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited December 2014
    MFP: probably one of the only places on the interwebz where it's reasonable to tell someone to go take a *kitten*.

    Don't ever change, MFP. Don't ever change.

    It's the answer to all problems
  • I think the best thing to do is explore your options. Most colleges and universities provide at least some healthy options in addition to the fast food.
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm going through this as well (I'm 4-6lbs from goal-153lbs at 5'10", goal <149lbs). I've been trying to up my water intake so I don't crave snack type foods as much, but it's not foolproof. I bought myself three decent sized water bottles and fill them each morning and MOST of the time if I drink those by about 1pm I do all right food wise. Good luck! I wish I had more advice but just know you're not alone!
  • Thanks for the responses so far :)
  • 1moretimetho
    1moretimetho Posts: 33 Member
    edited December 2014
    So yes, while you can lose weight by just eating in a deficit no matter what the content ... I also feel gross when I eat fast food. I'm not one of those nutty paleo/clean eating freaks..but really, you can't deny the excessive amount of SHITE that goes into fast food.

    I've come to realize that I would eat that stuff out of pure laziness..not necessarily because I LOVE how it tastes and gotta have it. It was just available easily.

    If you have the time available, prep your meals ahead of time and make lower calorie versions of the stuff you like. Yeah, it's time consuming but I think its worth it.
  • Spocky
    Spocky Posts: 62 Member
    I think it is better to have some "not-diet" food in the morning and not for dinner. You can process it better through the day. I love pizza but it can't make me feel full and I hate it when I eat something and become hungry very soon after. It is harder to find motivation for me too because now I am the only one who can see that I have a belly after losing 7 kg but I still have to lose 2 kg more.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    Hello. here's my motivation for you :) You are a young lady just starting out on life.

    Take control now and get good habits in place to set you up for life. This is the single best thing you can do for yourself (apart from getting an education). When you are fit and healthy, and taking care of yourself with a good diet, you are in a far better position to take whatever life throws at you. You are 18. Feed yourself well - you are worth it, and your body needs it. There will always be fast food around, just as there is always alcohol around. If you can't cook from scratch, do yourself a massive favour and learn how to.

    By taking care of yourself now, while you are young, you will be more likely to avoid unpleasant health problems later in your life.
  • Hello. here's my motivation for you :) You are a young lady just starting out on life.

    Take control now and get good habits in place to set you up for life. This is the single best thing you can do for yourself (apart from getting an education). When you are fit and healthy, and taking care of yourself with a good diet, you are in a far better position to take whatever life throws at you. You are 18. Feed yourself well - you are worth it, and your body needs it. There will always be fast food around, just as there is always alcohol around. If you can't cook from scratch, do yourself a massive favour and learn how to.

    By taking care of yourself now, while you are young, you will be more likely to avoid unpleasant health problems later in your life.

    Thank you :) That's very true.
  • VCopple
    VCopple Posts: 56 Member
    I dropped 20 pounds in 6 months by paying attention to what I eat and when I eat it. I still allow myself to have some sweets throughout the day, but I have modified what those are. I have found that a huge protein and fiber breakfast lasts me all morning until about 12:30. I eat almost half of my calories for breakfast, but I'm so full I don't need a snack.

    Then, I take the king-prince-pauper strategy. Eat like a king for breakfast, eat like a prince for lunch, and for dinner eat like a pauper. I am less active as the day goes on, so I try to eat dinner by 5. That way I am not eating a huge meal and then going to bed.

    I have also found that on days where I get my 8 glasses of water I am less hungry.

    As far as motivation goes: As you get older, your metabolism slows down and your life gets busier, and it is more difficult to lose weight and keep it off. I have maintained since July. That is a 6 month maintenance. I'm 30 with a toddler, working full time, going to school full time. I am tired every day. I have 20 more pounds I want to lose. I fall into bad habits and the weight stays put. Get into the good habits now and it will become a lifestyle change.

    Good luck!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    sign up for a race
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm totally going through this too (for the last several months or so) and still have about 50 pounds left I want to lose! I'm blaming it on weather/holidays right now and at least trying to keep the damage to a minimum until January. It might seem easier again then...
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Learn to forgive yourself! The occasional slice of pizza is part of life, too. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm at a university too! It is really hard being surrounded by tempting things, but I remind myself to eat healthy because I feel better that way. Of course having pizza, or a cookie, whatever, here and there is completely alright! But try to make sure a majority of your food is for energy. That's what helps me. Like, protein from chicken or an egg, leafy greens, and carrots for example won't make me feel bloated and upset, and they fuel my workouts better.
    It's all a balance! Cutting out "unhealthy" food is typically impractical. It's alright to eat pizza. But if you're constantly feeling worn out and badly, then maybe consider adding more nutrient-rich food. :smiley:
    good luck! You can do this!