Why do you binge/overeat?

Hi everyone. I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post this in but...

I am 24 years old, 4'10.5", and female.

I am overweight by about 50-60 pounds, and have been pretty much my whole teenage/adult life. I overeat and eat when I'm not hungry. Out of boredom, out of depression I suppose.

I know overeating is a sometimes coping mechanism. It's a way to feel comforted (for many people, not all I'm sure.)

There is something in my past that needs healing, probably more than one thing...

Basically the reason I am posting is because I want to hear your stories. Why/when did it start? Have you overcome it? How? If not, how are you coping with it?

I just don't fully understand why I do it, only that I do and I clear my mind when I eat and don't even think about it. I've gotten better over the years, but it still happens too often.

I've explained to my SO that it's mental, it's emotional and I don't know why. He told me he could help by not bringing unhealthy foods into the house, etc etc. While that would help the symptom, it doesn't bring the root cause to light.

So, my friends... what is your story?


  • kitsteroo
    kitsteroo Posts: 13 Member
    Mostly I overeat because I just really like food. I like it, it tastes good, and I don't want to stop eating it even when I'm full because I just like it so much. It's like... I don't know... a back massage? Your muscles are loose after a few minutes but it feels so good so you don't want the massage to end, except you have the means to make sure it continues until you've had enough. I've really picked up on this in the last few years as my life kind of started spiraling out of control with a lot of really difficult things that have popped up in the course of the beginning of adulthood. Because of this, my self-esteem, which has always been low, has really plummeted, adding yet another dimension to my overeating: Fat because eat -> Sad because fat -> Eat because sad.

    It sucks, and it's hard to get over but I realize that it's mostly a mental thing and now that I realize that, it's getting easier to deal with. I'm on a 30 day streak right now and I've had a few bad days, but unlike other attempts, I haven't given up on my goals. The next day, I jump right back in. Mistakes are gonna happen, and, let's face it, everyone overeats now and then. I'm doing better because I've learned to forgive myself, but not to excuse myself.
  • LaurenCheek
    LaurenCheek Posts: 34 Member
    For years, I considered my binge eating to be a symptom of a weak will. I just thought I was a person with no self control over food. Then, beginning about 2 years ago, I started experimenting with lowering my carbohydrate intake. Now, I eat under 25 grams of net carbs a day (carb grams - fiber grams) and I have not binged in 3 full months. Not once. For me, this is a monumental achievement. I don't feel like my natural willpower or resolve has improved, I simply discovered that eating carbs made me continue to want to eat.. and eat.. and eat. This is only my personal experience but I share this tidbit with anyone who asks about overeating or binging. Perhaps binging is more of a hormonal issue (really high insulin from high carb intake) than a moral or willpower issue for me.

    I hope this helps! Feel free to add me and send me messages if you would like to know more. My diet diary is public on here and I chart every morsel.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I have not binged in over a year. I used to out of boredom, stress and a hopeless feeling of not being able to change.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    For years, I considered my binge eating to be a symptom of a weak will. I just thought I was a person with no self control over food. Then, beginning about 2 years ago, I started experimenting with lowering my carbohydrate intake. Now, I eat under 25 grams of net carbs a day (carb grams - fiber grams) and I have not binged in 3 full months. Not once. For me, this is a monumental achievement. I don't feel like my natural willpower or resolve has improved, I simply discovered that eating carbs made me continue to want to eat.. and eat.. and eat. This is only my personal experience but I share this tidbit with anyone who asks about overeating or binging. Perhaps binging is more of a hormonal issue (really high insulin from high carb intake) than a moral or willpower issue for me.

    I hope this helps! Feel free to add me and send me messages if you would like to know more. My diet diary is public on here and I chart every morsel.

    I can't say I've ever really had a binge problem, but I used to have cravings for things that probably weren't the best things to eat. BUT, once I went low-carb ALL of my cravings disappeared. I am satisfied by much smaller amounts of food and it is much better quality, IMHO.

    OP, good for you for recognizing that there IS a root issue that must be dealt with. If you can, see if you can find the Dec. 2014 issue of SHAPE magazine. There was an article in there titled "Cravings" written by Isabel Burton. I found it really interesting.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    cause it's so good I need another serving or two cause I want to keep tasting it.
  • chaokitty
    chaokitty Posts: 42 Member
    kitsteroo wrote: »
    Mostly I overeat because I just really like food. I like it, it tastes good, and I don't want to stop eating it even when I'm full because I just like it so much. It's like... I don't know... a back massage? Your muscles are loose after a few minutes but it feels so good so you don't want the massage to end, except you have the means to make sure it continues until you've had enough. I've really picked up on this in the last few years as my life kind of started spiraling out of control with a lot of really difficult things that have popped up in the course of the beginning of adulthood. Because of this, my self-esteem, which has always been low, has really plummeted, adding yet another dimension to my overeating: Fat because eat -> Sad because fat -> Eat because sad.

    It sucks, and it's hard to get over but I realize that it's mostly a mental thing and now that I realize that, it's getting easier to deal with. I'm on a 30 day streak right now and I've had a few bad days, but unlike other attempts, I haven't given up on my goals. The next day, I jump right back in. Mistakes are gonna happen, and, let's face it, everyone overeats now and then. I'm doing better because I've learned to forgive myself, but not to excuse myself.

    I can completely relate with just loving how the food tastes. That's a huge thing for me too... and definitely the vicious cycle of "Fat because eat>..." which made me laugh because how you worded it, but it's so true! Forgiving myself vs Excusing myself.... that's interesting..Not sure how I'll be able to do that one. Thank you so much for sharing!
  • chaokitty
    chaokitty Posts: 42 Member
    For years, I considered my binge eating to be a symptom of a weak will. I just thought I was a person with no self control over food. Then, beginning about 2 years ago, I started experimenting with lowering my carbohydrate intake. Now, I eat under 25 grams of net carbs a day (carb grams - fiber grams) and I have not binged in 3 full months. Not once. For me, this is a monumental achievement. I don't feel like my natural willpower or resolve has improved, I simply discovered that eating carbs made me continue to want to eat.. and eat.. and eat. This is only my personal experience but I share this tidbit with anyone who asks about overeating or binging. Perhaps binging is more of a hormonal issue (really high insulin from high carb intake) than a moral or willpower issue for me.

    I hope this helps! Feel free to add me and send me messages if you would like to know more. My diet diary is public on here and I chart every morsel.

    What an interesting point! I never thought that carbs would trigger me to want to continue eating, and the stuff I normally binge on is carb-filled anyway come to think of it... It must be difficult to keep your carbs so low, isn't it? I'll have to take a look at your diary!! Thank you so much for sharing ♥
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm naturally a hedonist for one thing. I enjoy the flavors and sensations. The other component that gets rid of my self control I believe is primarily hormonal. I'm working really hard on overcoming all that or at least minimizing the damage by smarter choices of *what* I eat so much of. It happens more or less monthly.
  • chaokitty
    chaokitty Posts: 42 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I can't say I've ever really had a binge problem, but I used to have cravings for things that probably weren't the best things to eat. BUT, once I went low-carb ALL of my cravings disappeared. I am satisfied by much smaller amounts of food and it is much better quality, IMHO.

    OP, good for you for recognizing that there IS a root issue that must be dealt with. If you can, see if you can find the Dec. 2014 issue of SHAPE magazine. There was an article in there titled "Cravings" written by Isabel Burton. I found it really interesting.

    Thank you, BZAH10! I am definitely going to do some research on Carbs / Binge triggers...
    And I will look up that issue! Thanks for pointing me to a new direction ♥.

    What do you mean by "It is much better quality"? Like, the food you crave is better quality? Or it is a better quality lifestyle?

  • chaokitty
    chaokitty Posts: 42 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    cause it's so good I need another serving or two cause I want to keep tasting it.

    Yes I can really relate to this. sometimes I can't stop thinking about the flavor of what I just ate; it's almost insatiable. But slowly we open ourselves up to these urges and acknowledge them, and then we start to heal.
    Thank you for sharing ♥
  • jamilynn_8890
    jamilynn_8890 Posts: 48 Member
    kitsteroo wrote: »
    Mostly I overeat because I just really like food. I like it, it tastes good, and I don't want to stop eating it even when I'm full because I just like it so much.

    This. If I was craving something, I ate it.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    chaokitty wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    cause it's so good I need another serving or two cause I want to keep tasting it.

    Yes I can really relate to this. sometimes I can't stop thinking about the flavor of what I just ate; it's almost insatiable. But slowly we open ourselves up to these urges and acknowledge them, and then we start to heal.
    Thank you for sharing ♥

    this happens.


  • Sytye
    Sytye Posts: 13 Member
    I got fat because i liked cookies. I just ate everything. Now i overeat to make up for lost calories and malnutrition, oops.
  • chaokitty
    chaokitty Posts: 42 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    To show food who the boss is.
    lol :wink:
  • Sytye
    Sytye Posts: 13 Member
    I still like cookies.
  • chaokitty
    chaokitty Posts: 42 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    chaokitty wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    cause it's so good I need another serving or two cause I want to keep tasting it.

    Yes I can really relate to this. sometimes I can't stop thinking about the flavor of what I just ate; it's almost insatiable. But slowly we open ourselves up to these urges and acknowledge them, and then we start to heal.
    Thank you for sharing ♥

    this happens.


    Whaaaaat is that?! I want it.
  • chaokitty
    chaokitty Posts: 42 Member
    Sytye wrote: »
    I still like cookies.
    Lol I like cookies too.
  • LandyBreigh
    LandyBreigh Posts: 207 Member
    I'm an emotional eater. It started when I was about 6. My mom dated and married a lot, things were constantly changing. Food was always a constant, a friend.

    I also come from a big Italian family. We eat for everything. Happy, sad, depressed, stressed, weddings, funerals, birthdays...it's all centered on food, making the food, eating the food, traditions.

    I've been almost 300 pounds and down to my lowest at 164. I'm now trying to work my way to a healthy 180-185 from 250. I started eating again due to big changes in my life. Divorce, dating, new relationship, trouble with the Exes (both sides)... Now I'm remarried to a wonderful man and ready to get ME back... take control of my eating. I'm not saying I don't over eat now, but I pay more attention to what and when and keep my eye on the goal.
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    edited December 2014
    chaokitty wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    chaokitty wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    cause it's so good I need another serving or two cause I want to keep tasting it.

    Yes I can really relate to this. sometimes I can't stop thinking about the flavor of what I just ate; it's almost insatiable. But slowly we open ourselves up to these urges and acknowledge them, and then we start to heal.
    Thank you for sharing ♥

    this happens.


    Whaaaaat is that?! I want it.

    It's popcorn chips, a bunch of popcorn baked into a chip. Its good and not good for you.

    I eat because I'm bored, depressed, stressed, emotionally upset, cravings, because I convinced myself I was in a spot where I could not lose the weight and just about gave up.

    My friend is keeping tight tabs on me now. I'm happier and more energetic then I have been in the last couple of years and now I'm looking forward to dropping enough weight to go horse back riding again.

    What really changed for me was I recognized I was in trouble health wise and I wanted to be able to walk without being in pain 95% of the time. It's gotten a lot better now.