No calorie counting on Low Carb and the real deal

I have a question for those on a low carb diet who DID keep track of their calories but DID NOT have an actual 'limit' for calories. Question: Did you lose weight staying under (?) what amount of carbs and what were your actual calories consumed? Basically - looking for success stories with higher calories / lower carbs. Is there ANY? If you want, friend me so i can call you and ask you!


  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I did not actually keep track of my calories but did Paleo for about 6 months. I think I lost 3- 4 pounds but gained it back. Most successful people on here stick to a calorie deficit whether they choose low carb or not. It comes down to calories in/calories out. Sorry for vague answer...
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    While there are many factors that impact dieting if we do not count calories we are just guessing. Research indicates many of us actually eat 500 cals a day more than we guess we eat.:)

    Now if one eats the same things all of the time counting may be less value.

    Counting does count. It helps me be more AWARE but often after the fact. :(
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Low carb, high carb, track, don't track, sugar, no sugar.

    doesn't matter.

    You need to eat fewer calories than you burn.
    Ideally this comes by meeting you macros, and micros, and eating the foods you enjoy.

    Low carb diets don't mean you can eat more calories.
  • Shastabaldi
    Shastabaldi Posts: 36 Member
    yea that's what they say. but they also say you DON'T. so, just looking for success stories. you know? putting my feelers out. just peepin. wondering what folks are up to.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sorry did not keep track of my cals while low carbing. It was somersize. No sugar, only whole grain carbs and never wih meat or fat. Veggies anytime but a list of no no veggies like carrots and potatoes. Lost 51 lbs like that at the turn of the century. Oops i forgot vicodin, rum and diet coke were regularly consumed by me in those days as well. Hey I had back problems, don't judge.
  • Shastabaldi
    Shastabaldi Posts: 36 Member
    omg i love you.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I found that when I eliminated the starch and sugar based foods from my diet completely, I was pretty low in calories, usually around 900, including the nuts and olive oil. I suspect this is a big part of why the induction phase of low carb diets tends to have such impressive results. Well, that and the water weight from changing your diet drastically.

    Fruit helped get it up and now I also add in the occasional starches and sweet treats.

    On the other hand, I know some people who followed Atkins and could literally eat so much fatty meat that they would gain weight if they weren't monitoring their calories.