Another Ab's thread bout which course to take

manetta1 Posts: 138
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok Last month I was Doing the Ryan Reynolds training with abs. basically i was doing 6 days a week with abs switching between doing abs with resistance(weight) one day and the next day I would do 1000 without. Everyday basically I did 1000 abs and on Sundays I would take a day off. Now I'm doing the p90x ab ripper which is 3 days a week and I find my abs don't look as good or at least personally I dont think they stick out as much. Has anyone found out which route is better for your abdominals. Either 6 days a week or 3 days a week. I know the great debate is weather your abs need a day in between rest or not. I've read somewhere that abs/cavles/forearms need little rest because they are frequently being used everyday. Whats everyone's take on this issue. Granted this is my first week of p90x again so maybe I'm being biased with doing the Ryan Reynolds regiment and think its more effective?


  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    I also have read that abs recover quickly and do not need rest days as larger muscle groups do. Your going from 1000 reps per day to at most with the P90x- 315 reps or something like that. You just dropped almost 700 reps per day off your workout, so no the P90 shouldnt compare to the ryan reynolds one. Now , another cause of your abs not sticking out so much could be water retention, gas, carbs etc taking a little break around your midsection...I usually bloat up after I eat a starchy meal and find that they dont stick out like they should but the fact is, your bodyfat is apparently low enough to see them on a daily basis which is something a few people would kill for. So be happy with what ya got, pick a workout that makes ya happy and knock it out!
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