Looking for friends to help and motivate myself.

Weighing myself daily has help me to understand that depending on what I eat determines if I loose, gain, or stay the same. I have just gained 10 lbs . I watched the scale gradually climb. I also knew why it was climbing and I new how to stop it but the cravings kept me going in the wrong direction until I felt so ill, and disgusted in myself to turn it around. I made the decision because feeling slim tastes better than anything and I was not going to go back to being that heavy person.

In one week I have gone down 8 lbs of the 10 I put on. It was obviously fluid. I am staying on track and I know what I can't touch my maintenance foods. If I touch them I will not get the lbs off. I especially have to stay away from the maintenance foods as these foods can put me into a binge.

I have learned this time around that I can only have my maintenance foods on the weekend not everyday.

I wouldn't have been able to determine this with out getting on that scale everyday. They say you have to own that weight number just like you need to know your fasting blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.

By keeping the weight under control you can control the three friends that travel together. I hope this helps.

Take back the control. You can do it. You are so worth it.