Getting diet of dieting, and scared of gaining on holiday

I started my journey in march, since then lost almost 16kg. In four days i am on holiday for three weeks. The last +- two weeks i have really been slacking off. I am just tired of worrying about what i eat my kjs etc etc....I have this desire to just live and eat and whatever, but i also want to loose more.... and not get fat again. Any advice how to stay motivated. I think sometimes i get so much compliments that and the fact that its almost my holiday... i just wanna eat what i want drink what i want...i am struggling with this because i know i need to still loose more..... i really need help to get motivated and strict again.....I would probally not really worry and just eat and enjoy my holiday. Just scared getting back on track will be hard and scared of gaining over holiday???


  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far! I'm like you, I tend to slack off a bit when I'm approaching a holiday as well. Are you more afraid of gaining weight on the holiday or of not being able to get back on track afterwards? Is there any way you can be ok with gaining a couple of kilos on the holiday? And work out a plan for getting back on track when you return. It might not be as hard as you think to get back into it as you may have gone up a bit but will likely see some success in water weight loss in the first week or two when you get back which could help motivate you. Maybe you could make a new years resolution plan with mini goals and rewards for yourself?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Are you self-catering

    I lost 4lbs on a 2 weeks self-catering holiday - I'd go for long beach / coast walks early in the morning with my ipod blaring loud music, smiling at the locals and window shopping

    I made lots of salads with fresh tomatoes, olives, avocados, cucumber, olive oil that I kept in the fridge in tupperware for breakfast and lunch if we were around - diet sodas and lots of water

    I chose decent foods for meals out (daily) but didn't overly worry and had a few drinks

    I continued to log everything without worrying too much but keeping half an eye on it

    it's do-able and holidays are certainly enjoyable without eating ridiculous amounts (but then I like reading, swimming and lazing by the pool)

    but if you're feeling you want to just let go, which is fine for a short break like a holiday, are you sure you aren't going to go back to where you were - that's what would worry me that feeling that I've done it now, it's enough and then slowly but surely not noticing that I've gone back to old lazy, gluttonish habits
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Oh .. forgot - I would certainly switch your calories to maintenance for the 3 weeks
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Your motivation to not end up back where you started should be enough motivation to not slack off. If it isn't then you need to *kitten* that.

  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    When we've been doing something for a long time, it is good to take a break. Often, that break is what allows us to continue when we come back to it. I wouldn't suggest eating everything in sight, but it isn't necessarily bad to take time away from counting calories also. I would suggest setting a date when you are going to start tracking your calories again. It is easier to come back to it when it is planned.