How often do you weigh yourself?



  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    kclay1021 wrote: »
    I don't do it daily or monthly. . . just when I feel like I can. I am a reformed ED sufferer and have gone in waves. When I was deep in my ED I would weigh every few HOURS. Although I'd consider myself recovered, I went through a period of time a couple months ago where I would weigh myself daily and my mood for the day would hinge solely on what the scale said. Now that I am consistently eating healthy, doing strength training and cardio in reasonable amounts I don't EVER weigh more than once a week to avoid being obsessed - but that's me - clearly I previously had an unhealthy relationship with the scale though.

    Good on you.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Daily, recording it into HappyScale (as I just realized I forgot to do the past three days!) and recording my Wednesday weight to MFP
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Daily. My personal trainer also recommends it daily. How else to you create the association of what and how much you eat and exercise with whether it results in weight gain or loss. Weighing in once a month is like driving your car only looking in the rear view mirror.

    Because weight loss is not linear and daily fluctuations sometimes mess with a person's head. As long as there is a consistent trend how often you weigh in is inconsequential.

    but what if you happen to be on an upward fluctuation that one time you weigh yourself in the month? If I had a water/poop weight fluctuation of several pounds up THAT would mess with my head more than daily weighing which would give you more of the ability to see an actual trend than weighing yourself only 12 times in a year. I do it more on a weekly basis, myself. Unless i'm curious, then it might be more often
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    Luckie519 wrote: »
    I also weigh in daily, but I only log once a week. I do it to see how my activity and what I ate during the previous day effects my weight. Obviously, if I put on 2 lbs, I need to change something from the previous day.

    Ditto for me....
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I was a daily. I got irritated. Now I do it once a week (not logged) to see if I am on track, but write down measurements and weight every two weeks.

    I had to put the scales up high on a shelf!
  • mightygirlruns
    Monthly. I'm focused on consistency with my eating and exercise right now and trying not to focus on the scale.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited December 2014
    I've been diagnosed with ocd for years. It could easily become an obsession if I weighed myself daily. I don't know. I am the type of person who gets down if I don't see a loss each month. I am 140lb 163cm/5'4. I still have some weight to lose.

    Then do it weekly or get an app like libra so it does all the hard work and records what it is which is just data. Understanding the data is the key to prevent it from annoying you. If you accept fluctuations and dont get freaked by them then its possible to weigh daily. If you dont know what the figures mean, then its possible you will get freaked and not really appreciate the quirks that go with daily weighing, which would make a difference to your understanding. there would be little sense in getting down over a 2lb weight gain which just happened to be water retention and a daily fluctuation.

    If you diet properly with a sufficient accurate deficit, you hot calorie targets, weigh your food and do the exercise you have in your plan then you will see a loss each month. Pick the method that best suits your needs, there is no right or wrong.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Just wondering. I am thinking of only weighing myself once a month, straight after that thing has ended (sorry, tmi)- that's the only time I get a loss.....the rest I gain waterweight

    I weigh myself once a month. I hate seeing the scale bounce. But I log daily.
  • skinny0000
    skinny0000 Posts: 90 Member
    once a week.